Chapter 42: Get me tested

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Jakes POV:

We drove to the hospital and the entire time, Andy was holding and kissing Hailey. I was glad she was alive and okay. Well maybe not completely okay but... Oh you know what I mean! We got to the hospital and they took Hailey to a room to get stitched up

Andy sat next to me in the waiting room and sighed. I patted his shoulder. "Hey man, relax a bit. We found her and she's alive." He nodded and 20 minutes later, Hailey walked out wearing a black tank top the hospital loaned her

"Excuse me, Ms. Fitzgerald, we'd like to ask you some questions." A police man approached Hailey. Andy got up and grabbed her hand

The 2 policemen, well one was a woman, walked Hailey and Andy to a different room. Probably for privacy. I leaned back in the chair and started up a conversation with CC and Jinxx. Ashley was on the phone with Star

I hope she's going to be okay in the long run...

Haileys POV:

The 2 officers took Andy and I to a separate room to be questioned. They didn't bother trying to get Andy to leave because well... I needed him. We sat down in a conference room and the woman officer pulled out a notepad and pen. The male officer cleared his throat and looked at me

"Ms. Fitzgerald, can you explain what happened?" I squeezed Andys hand and he squeezed back reassuringly

"It started when my friend Lauren and I went to the mall, and we went to the food court for well, food. I got mine first and sat at a table to wait for Lauren. Then a creepy man sat in front of me and started asking me questions." The woman looked up from her notepad

"What kind of questions?"

"My name, if I'm from around here, who I'm with. Anyways, Lauren caught up with me, we tried getting rid of him but he wouldn't leave so we basically told him to fuck off. Well, he didn't like that so he hit Lauren. Then me, knocking me out. Next thing I know I'm in his basement tied to the ceiling. He came down and..." I stopped as tears brimmed my eyes. Andy pulled me closer to him and the male cop nodded as if to understand without me even saying it

"How many times?" I sucked in a breath and a tear ran down my cheek

"Twice. When he left the second time I untied myself, found a wrench and snuck upstairs. I opened the back door and heard him coming. I tried dodging his knife but... That failed." I showed them the stitches. The woman continued writing and the male motioned for me to resume

"Well, I turned around and hit him directly in the temple with the wrench, he fell to the ground and then that's when you guys showed up." The man nodded and looked at the woman who finished the sentence she was on and nodded. He looked at me

"Thank you for answering these questions. It will help with his trial." I nodded and we stood up. We exited the room and the officers walked off. I pulled Andy close

"Get me tested." Andy nodded understanding and we asked a nurse who took me to a weird part of the hospital. Andy waited outside the door as I was getting tested for anything and everything. Once that was all done the nurse took the swabs and left

She came back about 10 minutes later with a smile. "You're all good Ms. Fitzgerald. Clean of any disease." I nodded and stepped out of the room to Andy. He put his arm around my shoulder and we left after signing me out of the hospital. Jake offered me a piggy back ride and I gladly took it. We walked for a little bit and then hailed a cab

Once we got back to the hotel, I asked the lady at the front desk for a different room. One with more beds. She gave me a new key and we headed to our new room. It was on the first floor this time which I preferred. Andy and I got one bed, CC and Lauren had one, Jake and Jinxx had one and Ashley got the one man pull out bed

I laid down in my bed and just let sleep over take me.

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