Chapter 83: It's a...

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Haileys POV:

"Aaaaaaaaandy." I sang poking his cheek in bed. It was already noon and he was STILL sleeping. I poked his cheek more and he furrowed his brow, eyes still closed

"Prince only wakes to a kiss.." He mumbled with a slight smirk. I smiled and pecks his lips. His eyes fluttered open and I giggled at him

"Come on, we got a doctors appointment in half an hour." He nodded getting up and pulling on clothes. I did the same and we ate breakfast quickly. Andy rushed us to my appointment as we were running a tad late and we made it just in time

"Right this way Ms. Fitzgerald." A female doctor smiled brightly at us leading us to a room in the back. I laid down on the bed and lifted my shirt exposing my stomach for her

She hooked up the ultrasound stuff and put the gel on my stomach. She wiggled the scanner around until we saw a small body on the screen. I covered my mouth as I smiled and tears formed in my eyes

"This is your developing baby. Would you like to know the gender?" She asked. I looked back at Andy

We had never discussed this before. He nodded slightly and squeezed my free hand. I turned back to the doctor

"Yes please." She nodded and looked at the screen for a minute before turning back to us with a smile

"It's a boy. Congratulations." I smiled more and turned to Andy. He crashed his lips to mine

"A boy. We're having a boy." I whispered. He smiled and the nurse wiped my stomach off

"You'll be due around May of next year Ms Fitzgerald." I nodded and she left. I stood up and hugged Andy tightly

"A boy.." I pulled away from the hug and rubbed a thumb over my growing belly. "Carter Joseph Biersack..." I whispered. Andy smiled grabbing my hand

"Come on, let's go tell the guys." I nodded and we left for the complex. Andy opened the door for me and I stepped in to smell burnt food

Ashley came out of the kitchen coughing and in an apron. I laughed at him and he flipped us off

"What're you guys doing here?" Star asked walking out behind Ash. I cupped my stomach

"It's a boy!" I exclaimed. She gasped and ran over hugging me. I smiled and she pulled away

"Congratulations! Did you pick a name for him yet?" I nodded and Andy hugged me from behind

"Carter Joseph Biersack." He spoke proudly. Star squealed

"Oooh I love him already!" She grabbed Ashleys hands. "I want one." Ashleys eyes widened

"Oh hell naw!" He looked into her eyes. She pouted and I gently touched her shoulder

"Trust me, you don't. The process freaking sucks." She nodded and the others came running down the stairs. Jake hugged me

"Hey Hailey, what brings you here?"

"We found out the gender! We're having a boy!!" I exclaimed. Jake patted my shoulder

"Congrats! You guys wanna stay over for lunch? I'm making my awesome spaghetti you love since Ash burnt whatever he was making." He nudged me and I giggled

"Sure, Andy?" I looked at him. He nodded

"Sure baby girl." He kissed my head and I went to help Jake with dinner. Andy tried stopping me but I ignored every word that left his mouth

I set the table as Jake put the noodles in a bowl and Sammi got the condiments. We all sat around the long table and I took a huge pile of spaghetti. Jakes spaghetti was the bomb. Everyone gave me a weird look as I dug into the mountain of noodles on my plate. I looked up at them

"What? I'm pregnant, leave me alone." I spoke with a mouthful of noodles. Jake chuckled shaking his head and digging into his food. Andy smirked taking a bite out of his food

"Real classy babe." I rolled my eyes and finished. After cleaning up and chatting with everyone for about an hour, we decided to leave. Andy sat on the couch and I got a glass of water

"Oh hey babe?" He called. I peered into the living room


"Don't make any plans Saturday. The girls want to go shopping." He turned the tv on. I nodded and sat next to him cuddling into his side. We ended up watching tv for awhile until I fell asleep.

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