Chapter 66: Late night drives

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I cried writing this because this is a fear of mine and it's depressing. Enjoy


Haileys POV:

Andy and I were driving to pick up his parents at the airport a couple of towns over and it was extremely late or early, depends on how you look at it. It was 4 in the morning and we were both exhausted. We tried listening to the radio and Andys playlist but we kept drooping our eyes

I stopped Andy from falling asleep behind the wheel once or twice now by either rubbing my hand on his thigh or talking to him. Finally I just couldn't stay awake any longer

"I think I'm gonna rest my eyes for a bit, you gonna be okay?" I asked yawning and getting comfortable in my seat. He nodded and I closed my eyes

I don't know how much time had passed but I woke up to the sound of a semi trucks horn blaring and head lights coming straight at us. I screamed and Andy jolted awake. He swerved around the truck and off the road. The car hit the curb sideways and we started to roll

Something hit me and I blacked out.

Andys POV:

The car was rolling down the side of a highway at high speeds. The crunching and smashing sound of the metal hurting my ears. Glass shards from the windows and windshield were flying everywhere cutting Hailey and I. I reached my arm over Hailey and held her. Her body was limp. When I looked over at her, the car door was crushed in on her leg

We ran into a tree, upside down. My entire body hurt. My lip, head and arms were severely cut and bleeding badly. I carefully unbuckled myself and kicked my door open. When I crawled out, an ambulance sped down to us. A medic ran out and over to us helping me into the ambulance

They had to get the jaws of life to open Haileys door and had to maneuver around her leg not to crush it more. They put her on a portable bed and in the ambulance next to me. We sped off and the medics put a breathing mask on her along with a bunch of wires and needles. They tried asking me questions but I was too focused on Hailey

She looked terrible. Almost her entire head was covered with blood, her lip was busted open, huge cuts up and down her neck, chest and arms, her leg was crushed and dis-formed. Her skin was almost white and she looked dead. Her heart monitor barely moving. Then it stopped

A long beep came from her heart monitor. I froze with fear. The medics pumped air into her, that didn't work. They used a defibrillator, once, twice, three times. Nothing. They then turned to me with sorrow

"She's gone..." NO!!!!

I pushed the medics aside and started giving her CPR. "Don't you dare leave me Hailey! Not now! Wake up!!" I gave her a breath and checked her pulse. Nothing. I tried pumping on her chest. "You've fought through worse now wake up!!!" I checked again, nothing

A medic touched my shoulder but I pushed him away. I gave her another breath and checked, again nothing. Tears brimmed my eyes and I pumped her chest again

"I love you Hailey." Breath. "WAKE!!" Pump. "UP!!!" Pump. Her monitor beeped. I looked at it and it slowly started to beep again. I checked for breathing and it was faint. I smiled and grabbed her hand kissing it. A medic put the air mask on her again and helped her breathe

When we got to the hospital, she was rushed to the E.R. I was put in a doctors room. My doctor came in and asked me many questions about what happened. I told him and he cleaned and dressed my wounds. He then x-rayed my head and wrote some stuff down

"You have a bad concussion, nothing severe but you may have some memory loss. Other than that, just cuts and bruises." I nodded and looked around

"What about the woman I came in with? How is she?" The doctor left and came back a few minutes later with a glum look

"She's in a coma." My heart dropped.

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