Blood, Bath and Beyond

Start from the beginning

The female looked at the big grandfather clock that stood against the front wall of the bakery. It's 8:59 p.m just one minute to freedom! and someone had to come in. Growling to herself as she debated on if she should help this customer or tell em to fuck off. Taking a quick look at the customer she decides to see what he wants first. "Hello Sir we're pretty much closed. However if you know what it is you're looking for or want. I'll be happy to help. Or are you here to pick up a late order?" Zia says giving the older clearly drunk male a fake smile.

"Hey there b-beautiful I'd like to use your restroom and buy whatever candies and baked goods you have left over." Observing the male closely while writing down his order, she nods and points to the hallway on their left where the restrooms are located. Once the drunkard is out of her sight. Zia quickly grabs a Banoffee pie and Kompeito five color candies. Placing them into a bag for the male and waited at the register.

After what seemed like forever but was only around four minutes the male swayed his way over to the counter giving the female a lustful smirk. "How much baby doll?" Glaring hard at the drunken brown haired male. Koneko tried not to growl while replying to his question. "15.50 sir..." Licking his lips in what he had hoped was a sexy, seductive matter, he says "That's all you're pretty cheap ain't ya. Baby doll" he then reached into his blue jacket pocket and pulled out three one hundred dollar bills.

Placed them onto the counter and grinned at the top heavy, curvy female. His  eyes roamed over her body or at least the parts he could see, lustfully as he says "I think YOU'RE worth at least a few hundreds" Winking he waits for her reply to his oh so settle offer. Face palming yet again today, she picks up a hundred, places it in the register and gives the male back his change along with the extra money he put on her counter. Picking up the bag that has his order in it she hands it to him and with another fake smile. Tells him to have a nice night and to be safe.

Apparently the male didn't take kindly to her declining his offer. His green eyes narrow as he snatches the bag and turns away from the girl. Mumbling to himself about seeing how she feels after work. However unknown to both the male and female there was someone watching their exchange. Listening to every word that had happen been said. Waiting in the shadows with their own sadistic smirk.

Watching the now angry drunkard leave Zia quickly locked up the bakery after he had left. Making sure to double check that everything was off and put in it's proper place. A quick glance at the clock showed that it was now 9:45 p.m. Had she really been dealing with that assclown for forty six minutes? Oh someone owed her BIG TIME for this mess of a day! Grabbing her bag and heading towards the backdoor, she stops and turned around to grab the strawberry jam she had made for herself but never got to eat cause of how busy it was today.

Smiling to herself as she makes her way home. Music blaring, hips swaying as she walked down the dark empty streets without a care in the world. This is her neighborhood and everyone knows her. It's a safe quiet little area that's not to far from the city and not to close to the woods. Just two more blocks and I'll be home free, is what she thought until a hand gently touched her shoulder.

Out of instinct she grabbed onto the person's wrist twisted it while forcefully pulling on their arm to throw them over her shoulder. Landing on the ground with a loud groan was a brown haired and green eyed man. The guy from the bakery.....He had followed her, growling to herself she takes out her phone to call the police. Until a familiar monotone voice calling out to her stops her. "Miss are you okay?" Asked the dark eyed, dark haired male. As he looked between his new prey and the seemingly sweet girl.

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