Forget / Kai

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(You are Chae Rim)

(Sorry for such slow updates. Current status- lazy. :c I'll do my best to update!!!)

You and Kai's relationship was a bit confusing. You both were together, but it didn't feel like you were.

He was always avoiding you in some sort of way. Such as, ignoring your words and talking to another girl.

It was the day before your birthday, and there were no signs of Kai knowing. He was just sitting on his couch, watching Doctor Romantic.

You looked through the video screen, and sighed, glancing at the calendar. You were desperate for some kind of affection. "Kai. Do you love me?" You said through the video chat.

"Yeah, sure." He shrugged.

That impaled you through the heart. You shut the laptop off, without him knowing and groaned. You pulled on your own hair in frustration.

You wanted to cry. You believed he didn't really care about your love. You have dated him for 2 years. Why have you been the only one thinking this relationship was important?

Your friends called you to hang out on your birthday, and he didn't call you or text you once. You felt so empty and alone, even with your friends around. You felt like nothing.

Your anniversary was fairly close to your birthday, and Kai's birthday was only a month away from there.

Days only passed, and your relationship with Kai had made no progress. You try to talk or at least start a conversation, but why doesn't he try to bond? You were losing it. This relationship you have with him can only get better from here.

It was the day of your anniversary, praying that he would celebrate it. Your hand clenched around the phone, hoping for at least a text. Why? Why did it come to this? You stared at the mirror, watching tears fall from your face of makeup. It was already 5 in the afternoon. You were done. You couldn't handle the pain. You stomped out the bathroom, grabbing your purse and storming out the door.

Finding yourself on his doorstep, you knocked on the door. He opened the door, and you slapped him. Your breath was heavy. It was December and it was freezing. Kai gazed at you. "What is your deal?" His voice pierces through you. You took a deep breath, hoping it would ease the pain in your heart. 

"My deal? My deal is that it's Christmas Eve, and our 3rd year anniversary. Where the hell have you been?!" I shout. He freezes. His lips part, but he doesn't say a word.

"You know what Kai? Just...Just end it with me if your gonna do this." You finally let out and walk away. Kai stands there, watching you leave. He has a feeling running after you will make things worse. He shuts the door, and proceeds as if nothing happened.

"Who was she?" The girl questions Kai, sitting on the couch in his sweater.

"No one, babe."


It's been a month, since you've even made contact with Kai. His birthday was tomorrow. What was the relationship between you two now? 

"So your telling me, your cheating on Chae Rim?" Kyungsoo snickered.

"You make it sound like a bad thing." Kai laughs. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes at him. "It is a bad thing!" 

Kyungsoo texts you, talking about Kai's other girl.

You smile angrily. "This is what he's been distracted on...huh." You grit your teeth. You throw your phone on the bed, looking down. All you could see was the water blurring your eyes, and your tears falling. 

"I'm done." You whisper.


Kai woke up, excited since it was his birthday. He smiled, running downstairs, looking on the counter. There was money inside an envelope. It was labeled "birthday savings". He opened the fridge, smiling cheekily at the premade cake.

He suddenly remembered your argument with him.

He shrugged, thinking that you were over it by a month.

He dialed your number in, but before he could press call, you called him.

"Chae Rim!" He laughs happily.

"Kai. Let's break up. I know it's your birthday, and happy birthday, but I'm finished. All this time, you were busy with another girl. Maybe you could spend your birthday with her instead of me this year. I am just so overwhelmed. You have forgotten my birthday twice in a row, and our anniversary. It just seems like it isn't important to you. So, I'm ending it easily. Goodbye, Kai." Your voice says through the phone.

"Chae Rim." His voice cracks, but you hang up before he could call out your name. He calls you over and over again, but it goes straight to voicemail. He drops the phone, giving up. His eyes glance at the birthday savings, and the fridge. His hand grabbed the envelope, and opened it, seeing 2 passes to Lotte World. He clutches them tightly. What felt like his birthday now felt like a funeral. He felt empty and it was all his fault.

He has no thoughts, except how he missed you already. Why didn't he notice how much he loved you before?

He remembered.

He remembered how when the night came, the lights were off and the only source of light was the candle on the cake.  You sang happy birthday to him, and watched him make a wish.

This year, he is doing that alone.

By himself.

He is finally remembering all the memories that he had forgotten when he was with you.

His eyes flooded with tears, and he sobbed, wishing you were there to sing happy birthday.

He wished for you to come back.

He blew the candle, and was engulfed in nothing but darkness. 

All he could hear was his crying.

All he could feel was his heart aching.

All he wanted was for you to come back, forgetting all his mistakes.

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