The Wrong One / Chen

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(You will be YoungJi)

"Chen, you know, I've always wanted to slap you." You muttered, drunk in soju.

"Come on, YoungJi." Chen sighed and tugged your arm. You got angry and tugged back. "Leave! I don't want you here!" You shouted.

"Fine." Chen sneered.

You looked over and noticed a girl come in. That girl. You groan and ruffle your hair in stress.

"Hyun Ja!" Chen excitedly gasped, making your heart ache.

You eavesdropped on their conversation. The bartender tapped your head while you showed no emotions, tightly grasping the soju bottle.

"Are you alright, miss?" The handsome bartender asked kindly. You lost your temper and swung the soju bottle at his face.

Realizing what you had done, you dropped the bottle in shock, cracking it. "I'm so sor-sorry." You hiccuped.

You rushed out the door in embarrassment. When you arrived home, you didn't even bother to sleep on the bed. You ended up collapsing in front of the door.
But, in reality, you and Chen never went out. You guys were simply 'best friends.'

Sometimes he would even drag you out of the front row at a concert just to make you sing on the stage.

You would always go to their dance practices and learn their dances before anyone could.

But Chen doesn't do that anymore. It's all about that girl now and she was your best friend. It was when she went to a concert with you, and she wasn't even a kpop fan. You both sat in the front row, Chen smiling directly towards you, and his eyes shot beside you. He walked up to you and reached his hand out, and pulled your friend's arm. "Come on stage." Chen chuckled to Hyun Ja. You faked a smile and punched her arm. "Be brave." You laughed.

Hyun Ja followed you anywhere that involved Chen and all the attention would go towards her.
Chen needed to speak with you the day after all that hectic stuff began. You answered his call and you both agreed to meet in the park.

You were a bit hungover but you were still manageable. You see Chen arrive with his hand in his jacket pockets.

"YoungJi." He calls out.

You put on a fake smile and watch him sit down next to you.

"There's a secret I've been wanting to tell you." Chen murmurs softly.

"I know you like Hyun Ja, dummy." You chuckle softly while your insides get twisted.

"What?! Was it that obvious?!" Chen gasps. You spurt out a laugh to hide all the pain.

"I'm sure she likes you too. You should go out with her." You muttered.

"You think so?" Chen excitedly muffles his voice in his shirt.

"Trust me." You chuckle softly.
You decide to forget everything that just happen and relax at home. You didn't want to cry. You sat on the couch, eating popcorn while watching Let's Fight Ghosts. Chen seems to have texted you.

"She said yes!!"

"I really thank you, YoungJi! I love u~"

You sigh and turn your phone over, ignoring his messages. You were at your limit. You had to cry. You faceplanted on the pillow and screamed. You could barely breathe. You panted and cried over and over again.

After a few hours, you look up from the pillow and realize it's night. The whole house is dark and you try to find your way to the light switch. You turn it on and it immediately blinds you.

You find your way to the bathroom and look in the mirror, noticing your red face. You splash it with water and look up again. You thought you were ugly. Hyun Ja was everything..


You ran into them a few times while grocery shopping. They would be holding hands, arms, or whatever the fuck to make contact.

You'd ignore them until they shout your name. You would turn around and flash a fake ass smile. You would pretend someone was calling you and leave the area right after. It was a pattern that repeated anywhere, anytime.

They've been together for a 5 months now
You were driving when Chen kept texting you. You tried to ignore it until you got home but then he would just be calling you on facetime. You groaned and answered his call, setting him up where he could see you driving.

"What is it?" You asked, looking both sides before turning.

"Me and Hyun Ja broke up.." Chen mumbled. You glanced at him and looked back on the road.

He was laying down in bed, his face muffled in blankets.

"Aw, it's not my business so I won't ask. Are you alright? Is it hard on you?" You asked kindly. He didn't reply. You heard soft snoring. You reached a redlight and you picked up the phone, your face in the camera, and his eyes were closed.

"Fell asleep?" You whisper to yourself, chuckling. "Chen!" You shout but he doesn't flinch.

You sigh and leave him there. You assume it's a greenlight by the time you put him down and you drive forward without looking up, astonished by the sleeping beauty. You hear a bunch of honking and look up. You were in the middle of the road on a redlight. You turn your head in the noise of honking and the car slammed into the trunk of your car. You scream at the pressure and look up, hearing another honk. There was a truck headed your way, and before you knew it, it slammed into the passenger seat. You were spinning in circles and noticed you were headed straight for a deep ditch. You panic and scream while you hit the brakes, but that doesn't save you. You fall into the ditch, flipping over and over again, thudding against the ground. The car finally came to a steady ground, all beat up. You were unconscious, your hands gripped on the steering wheel and blood coming down from your head while you rested it on the rim on the wheel. The worst thing is, you were still on facetime. Your phone was sitting underneath the seats.



"Are you there?"


Chen stayed on facetime with you until the police came. Chen didn't even know what was happening, or what happened.

The ambulance found the phone and picked it up.

"Who is this?" The doctor asked, adjusting his glasses as Chen picked up the phone.

"Where's YoungJi?" Chen asked, still in a good mood, and clueless of what was happening.

"I'm sorry but this patient is in critical condition. She's being transported to ____ Hospital." The doctor informed.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Chen chuckled, but he was nervous.

"YoungJi! Is this a prank?" Chen laughed.

Chen seemed to have catch a glimpse of you being put inside the ambulance van.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'll have to hang up now." The doctor mumbled and pressed the hang up call.
Chen came running into the hospital and realized you were in the emergency room. He waited outside and tapped his feet repeatedly.

The doctor came out with you and was transferring you to another room.

"Is she alright?" Chen asked, now in panic. "She's fine but, she has taken some damage to the brain. It'll take her some time to recover." The doctor smiled.

Chen sat by you and cried, holding your hand dearly, not noticing you were opening your eyes.

"YoungJi!" He gasped.

You stayed silent.

"Are you okay?" He stutters while he asks.

"I'm sorry but, who exactly are you?" You ask softly.

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