Hold You Tight 2 / Suga

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Yes, I should not romanticize abuse. When I made that chapter, it was meant to be a cute fluffy chapter and I had forgotten all about the minor abuse I had written in it. I find it shameful that I would write such a disgusting topic, as I am a very strong feminist,(even if it doesn't look like it), and strongly against domestic abuse. To make up for it, I'm making this chapter where the abuse continues, and Seo Ri has had enough of it. Domestic abuse is actually a sensitive topic to me, though it's too personal for me to share with you guys. Also, when I write these stories, I do not follow their personalities AT All. So I'm saying their actions in my stories DO NOT defy who they are in person.
(Seo Ri)
Maybe he didn't beat you to a pulp, but he still hit you. Should you have forgiven him? He's just having a hard time. You hope.

Suga hugged you tightly in bed, just until the doorbell went off. He let you go, and made you go answer it since he was tired.

"Oh! Jungkook! What are you doing here?" You gasp.

"You forgot this," He holds out your handbag you didn't even notice you were missing.

"Omg! Thanks! I didn't even realize," You laugh, taking it from him.

Suga walks out, just when you say bye to Jungkook and close the door.

"Chill out, Suga, I just forgot something," You sighed, feeling his angry aura.

"Why are you always so giggly around him?" He grabs your shoulder and turns you around roughly.

"He's a great friend," You rolled your eyes at him.

"And I'm a great boyfriend- right?" He growls, and you shake his hand off.

"Not when your like this," You mumbled, and began walking into the kitchen, but he yanks you back.

"Why- Why do you keep pulling me?" You tried to pull away, but his grip only tightens.

"You like Jungkook more than me don't you?" Suga mutters, and back hand slaps you.

"What- What the hell, Suga?! Why are you being so violent with me lately?!" You raised your voice, holding the stinging area.

"Because you are being a little cunt, flirting with some other dude," He pulls your hair.

"Oh my - You are insane!" You shout, and push him away. He pushes you into the floor, and you use the couch to help you get up.

"I should've left a long time ago," You whisper.

"I'm sorry, but you need to learn," He pulls your cheek.

You scratch his arm away, and begin running into the bathroom to lock yourself in. He bangs on the door, while you take out your phone to call the police.

"Look- Seo Ri, I just- I just got a little mad."

"It's fine- Suga, Can we just talk?" You change your mind on calling the police and instead text Jungkook.

Jungkook, can you help me- Suga has gone insane. He keeps hurting me and I'm scared. He's not the same. He's not the same at all.

"Suga, have you calmed down?" You talk through the door, and you hear a faint yes.

You walked out, and he seemed to be pacing around the kitchen. You walked into the bedroom, and put small belongings into your purse. Clothes can come later, who knows if he might shatter these objects.

Suga walks in, rubbing the back of his head.

"I messed up-" He pauses as he sees you putting all kinds of makeup into your purse.

"Are you- Are you planning on leaving?!" Suga's mood enrages again. He stomps up to you, and throws your purse to the wall.

"I can't stay with you if you're gonna be like this!" You slap him, and his other hand wraps around your neck tightly.

With the hand he was holding his stinging cheek with, he uses it to tighten the grip on your throat.

"Su-ga!" You gasp and struggle as you feel your head becoming hot from the lack of oxygen.


Suga immediately lets go, and pushes you to the floor. He walks out to open the door, and pretend nothing was going on.

"O-officer! What are you doing here?" Suga laughs, and Jungkook pushes through him.

"Where's Seo Ri?" Jungkook asks and Suga refuses to answer. He comes to look for you himself.

Finding you, coughing and breathing heavily on the floor, he helps you up. Red marks from his hands curved on your neck.

"That bastard!" Jungkook growls, and you pull him back.

"Just- just let the police handle this," You whimper, and Jungkook guides you out. The police glance at you, and take Suga down.

"Seo Ri! You can't really be leaving me! Right?!" You heard him yell, and beg. It broke your heart, but you deserved so much better.

"Suga. Fuck you and I hope you find yourself. Holding me tight, isn't gonna make me stay this time, especially if it was around my neck this time." You flip him off.

Suga furrows his brows as the policeman cuffs him.

You were stopped to be asked questions, and you looked at Jungkook. You smiled.

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