Together / Jungkook

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A Chapter to keep you company while I go on a "small" recovering hiatus.

You and Jungkook? Criminals on the run. You both bring destruction into any kind of town, whether it be a massacre or just simple vandalism. Must sound like a Joker and Harley Quinn type of relationship. Accurate.

The way you both met was just pure fate. You both were running from police until he saved you from getting caught.

You became partners, and were deeply overly protective of one another.

But every adventure leads to an end.

"Hey, what happens if we get caught?" You mumbled to Jungkook while he roasted his marshmallow over a fire.

"At least we're together," Jungkook smiles, and it just makes you think of the past. It's hard to believe it's been almost 2 years since you met Jungkook.

You both didn't even know each other's personal lives.

Besides that his parents are deceased.

Yours aren't, but they don't like seeing you. The way you've become disgusts them.

It was an abandoned shed that you both were temporarily sleeping in. Disgusting, but you have to deal with it.

"Jungkook, let's go to Seoul," You nudged him, and he stood with a shocked face.

"Are you crazy? Our chances of being caught are even higher there!" Jungkook refuses.

"I want to see my parents," You said, and Jungkook placed his hand in your shoulder.

"Alright, fine, for 1 night," Jungkook kisses your forehead.

1 night.

It will do.
You wandered the streets, adjusting the cap on your head and the mask on your face. Jungkook was off doing something, probably jumping rooftops, or just following you. You didn't bother worrying, he was always there when you needed him.

You stood in front of the mansion that you were raised in, remembering the code to the gate by luck. You knocked on the door, and one of your maids opened it.

"Oh my, Minyoung!" She gasped, and you feel the rush of other staff coming at the door. 2 more maids and your butler.

And your parents.

"Minyoung, what're you doing here?" Your mother spoke softly, while your father had a furious expression.

"Minyoung, I thought I banned you from ever coming back," Your father growled at you, and you furrowed your eyes with a frown behind the mask.

"Father, Mother, I just wanted to see you both again," You say, trying to embrace your mom but she flinches. Yes. She flinched.

"I'm sorry about....myself," You tighten your hug around your mother, and you can feel her easing into the hug. After that, you looked at your father.

You attempted to touch his shoulder, but he slapped your hand away.

"Father-" He interrupted you with a slap.

"Leave. Leave before I call the police on my own daughter," He commanded you.

"Alright fine," You sighed, and began walking back to the gate, turning around once more to wave goodbye but the door was already closed.

You clenched your fists in anger, and wanted to destroy.

You went to the store to buy a pint of gasoline and you poured it into the trash. You took out a match as the trash was soon engulfed in flames.

You didn't feel Jungkook around you anymore. He must've went to go do his own thing.

Your parents hated you, and the thought made you cry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," You repeated and cried the words. You just started to scream the words with all of your lungs.

Tears ran down your cheeks, soaking your mask, you just took it off.

The flame in the trash grew, and the pain in your heart grew. You felt no satisfaction.

You took out a photo of what you once were, a happy daughter with loving parents. You tore the photo apart, crying and throwing it into the fire.

Screaming, you knocked the bin over, and the fire grew to a building.

"I'm sorry," You said once more, sighing at what is now a burning building with an alarm of evacuation. It was only a coffee shop, so no one was working since it was so late.

You heard footsteps running towards you and you looked over.

"Oh no," You cursed under your breath and began to run. Someone had to have reported you, because a group of the S.W.A.T was chasing after you.

"DO NOT LET HER ESCAPE! SHE IS THE WORST CRIMINAL RIGHT NOW!" You heard someone on the rooftop speak through a megaphone.

This whole town will end up going against you, and you don't even know where Jungkook is.

Speaking of him, you saw him running ahead of you.

"Jungkook!" You shouted and his attention turned to you.

He slowed down a bit, and grabbed your hand.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault!" You sobbed, and Jungkook tightened his grip on your hand.

"Don't say that! We'll escape. Just like always," He turned around smiling. You guys kept running, but more and more SWAT kept coming.

"I shouldn't have come to see my parents!" You sobbed, scared.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have let you," Jungkook said while he desperately tried to find a place to hide. They finally surrounded both of you, and the fire you caused grew, you could see it even with how far you ran. People were chanting, and you both were closed in on an alleyway.

That's when everything had fallen apart. The alley way was a deadend, with no where to climb.

You grasped Jungkook's hand tightly, as you both faced the SWAT.

Your father was standing behind them, with your mother sobbing on his chest.

"Jungkook, this is the end isn't it?" You mumbled, and he quickly pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

He hugged you tightly, and began to cry also.

"Yeah, it is," He whispered back.

He took out a small handgun, and attempted to defend. It was worth the effort.

In the end, they had fired, and you both had collapsed. With the littlest power ever, you turned to Jungkook who had passed before you.

One last tear had fallen out, before everything disappeared. A final thought brushed through your memory, "At least we're together,"

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