When The Controlling Heartbreaker Meets The Uncontrollable Troublemaker

Start bij het begin

Everyone stared at him, some to see what he would do or say to me, others because they were all immensely attracted to him and couldn't keep their eyes not pasted on him. Each step he took the classes eyes widened with suspense whereas me, my heart continued to skip beats.

Unexpectedly he placed both his hands on each side of my desk, bending down closer to me. Our eyes locked into each other's, his deep jade eyes were peering into mine trying to weaken me. He was successful.

Students were continuing to stare trying to see what would happen next. So did I, the curiosity struck me of what was he planning in that gorgeous head of his. Shit I didn't mean gorgeous, no I did.

Then leisurely he bent closer still staring "We'll see about that. You won't stand a chance against me." He said while having that smirk still plastered on his face.

I refrained myself from cursing by biting my tongue "No. You can't and never will stand a chance against me."

The entire class was shocked at my sudden snappy retort to him. Something that I'd do as well if I was in their position but even so it irritated me. Stop watching go on with your lives, have a conversation about the freaking weather. This wasn't that serious well at least not to me.

He backed away from me still beaming without even the slightest exposure of emotion other than pleasant bliss. What the hell is wrong with him?! It made my blood boil to see it yet still made my entire body weak from how alluring it was. I'm conflicted with two feelings.

*School Bell*

Students ran out of their seats with smiles on their face as well like they'd just finish a really intense show waiting for the next episode already. They were content with what they've seen and the look on their eyes showed it. Whispers were spreading like wildfire as they left saying stuff like 'Wow' and 'It was just getting good' all I could think was I'm not your entertainment!

I got up not trying to be late for a class on my first day but that asshole blocked my escape. Unconsciously I bit my lip while observing his body's masculine physique, everything screamed manly on his body. The tight black shirt he was wearing, which shouldn't ever be worn again at school, due to the fact that it revealed his broad chest, and thin waist.

On top of that his arm muscles were also exposed not huge but just enough to think what he did with those. Of course I tamed myself before reaching the lower half of him when remembering I was late popped in my head.

"Hey move I have class." I tried giving him the cold shoulder hoping it would work.

He didn't move. Instead he stood there studying me as if he'd never seen a human being before. "Say please." Mr. Black wrapped his arms around each other.

"Please? Like hell I'll ever give you that satisfaction!" I laughed loudly at the thought of me saying that.

"Say it."


"Then you're stuck here."

"Fu- Go away." I bit my tongue when I almost cursed at him.

"Give it up Grey it isn't going to work on me, I don't know how the people were in your last town but in this town, and class I'm in charge."

Hearing a man say stuff like I'm in charge made my spine-chill with excitement it made me remember how my ex-boyfriend Jimmy didn't try to have that control over me. No one ever did. This man though he exuded power something that I'd never encountered before. Something I hated, but was refreshing.

"In charged? Listen up you've never had a student like me I'm never going to listen to you." My left hand attempted to push him away, it made contact with his masculine chest which sent thousands of butterflies in my stomach sending shivers through me. Shit his chest is hard.

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