Heal The Scars

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I nearly fell as I made my way to the toilet. I'd just woken up from a horrible nightmare. Now these days, they came on a regular basis. Every single night. I'd be dreaming of unicorns one minute and experiencing horrible memories of my childhood the next.

Yeah, but these just weren't nightmares. Nope, not at all. This was more like reality...

"Austyn!!!" My heart clenched as he yelled from the other side of the door. Fist banging against the wood violently while mercilessly shaking the doorknob.

I hastily made my way to the door, unlocking it and opening it to face my angry stepfather. "What the hell were you doing in there?!" he yelled, the smell of alcohol thick on his breath. I refused to answer because I knew better not to.

"Answer me!" he growled. "N-Nothing." I sputtered, hanging my head low. He groped the back of my head and tugged me down the hall to the bathroom. "Look at you! Worthless piece of shit!" he brought his hand down and slapped me hard across the face. I stood there, motionlessly, not feeling any pain whatsoever. Because my body was immune to feeling pain or anything at all. The only thing that I could feel was numbness, not even my heart ached.

With the force of a bulldozer, my stepfather delivered a punch to my stomach, knocking me down. I'd be lying if I said I didnt feel it. My stomach ached as he repeatedly kicked my ribs, my head striking the wall as he did it over and over again until I coughed up a mouthful of blood. But he didnt stop, he kept going and thats when I realized that he wasn't going to stop until I was over with. He was going to kill me. The one person I actually thought loved me and cherished me wanted me dead.

-End Of Flashback-

"Austyn, sweetie come downstairs. We have someone who would like to meet you." I groaned as I untangled myself from my one direction blanket and made my way to the bathroom to get ready. Ugh I hated meeting new people who wanted to adopt me, but I had to do it anyway.

I stared in the mirror and saw my 15 year old self staring back at me. I hated the way I looked. I hated my hair, my eyes, basically everything about me. I hated that my hair was wavy and so frizzy. That my eyes were so boring and dull; they never sparkled even when I managed a real smile. And I hated that I was extremely short; 5 ft to be exact. Even though I had a flat stomach and long wavy hair, I still hated it.

I turned on the tap and splashed warm water on my face to wake me up. Then brushed my caramel colored hair into a messy bun ontop of my head before changing into a pair of jeans and a tshirt to hide the fresh cuts on my thighs. I placed a lot of bracelets on both of my arms to hide the cuts on my wrists then finally pulled on a pair of sandals before stepping out into the hallway.

I took the steps two at a time, until I reached the bottom. I walked slowly down the corridor until I reached the meeting room. I took a deep breath as I reached for the door but having someone beat me there instead.Ms.Kylie.

"Hey sweetie-" she started but I cut her off, "Do not call me sweetie."I glared, taking a seat at the end of the table across from my supposedly "New family". There were 3 people. 2 of them looked like they were in their mid forties, a man and woman, I guess they were the parents. And a boy who looked a bit older than me. Probably the son.

The mom had dark brown hair and the dad had somewhat black hair and they both had fairly tan skin. While the boy who happened to be sitting across from me, had midnight black hair and tan skin. The mom and dad were both dressed in silky clothing that looked extremely expensive, while the boy was dressed in a black v-neck and a pair of skinny jeans with huge muscles. I had to admit, he was cute but I knew better to stay away because those usually were the ones who played with your heart.

"Okay, lets get started shall we?" said Ms.Kylie. I just sat there playing with my fingernails while they "chatted" until they started asking me all of these stupid questions.

"How old are you?" the man asked, who I learned name was Jake.

"15." I answered.

"What's your middle name, Austyn?"asked Daisy (mom's name).

"Leanne." I responded.

About 15 minutes later the meeting was over. I swiftly got up and made my way to the door. They didnt want me, I knew it. "Austyn, where are you going?" called out Ms.Kylie.

"To my room. What does it look like?" I rolled my eyes. "No sweetie, theyre taking you in. This is your new family." Ms. Kylie beamed. How awesome is that? Not!

I stood there frozen. They wanted me?! They actually wanted this worthless piece of dirt. Great, just great! "Well, I guess I'll go pack my stuff then." I said finally opening the door and stepping out.

"Austyn, Wait! Hunter will help you!"Said Daisy. Hunter? Whos Hunter! Oh yeah their attractive son. Even greater! It sounded like they were arguing back and forth and then Hunter was standing beside me.

"Let's go bitch." Hunter huffed. Did he just-?

"You better watch who youre talking to Hunter." I said, putting air quotes around his name.

"No you better watch who youre talking to, Austyn. What kinda name is Austyn anyways?" Hunter glared. I swear if looks could kill I'd be dead.

"And if I dont?" I teased, sending him a glare.

"Dont try me." Hunter growled.

"Fuck you." I murmured, opening my room door. I grabbed my spare one direction suitcase and began throwing the few clothes I had in there along with my toiletries. Hunter just stood there texting on his phone. Ugh. Such a jerk.

I got another bag out of my small closet and put the rest of my belongings in there and I was done. "Let's go. Hunter can you help me carry this downstairs?" I begged.

"Nope you got it." he smirked. I flipped him off before attempting to carry my bags down the hall.

After what felt like a billion years I made it down the stairs only falling once while Hunter just stood there laughing his ass off and not even asking if i was okay! I just met this dude and I already hate him. Gee, I wonder why!

"Austyn, let me help you." said Daisy, shooting Hunter a glare. Daisy and Jake grabbed the bags out of my hands and led me outside to a black Range Rover. "Fancy.." I murmured to myself before opening the back door and climbing in. Hunter rolled his eyes as I sat next to him, which I just ignored.

The car started up and I pulled out my gold iPhone 5s that I saved up all of my hard earned money to get. Along with my purple Beats as I made my way to my soon to be, new home.

1st Chapter of my new story!

Hope you enjoyed it!




Breia x

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