Hot and Cold (Soulmate AU) (Laxus x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: That_Tall_Chick

"Come on, Y/N," your mother whined at you. 


"But everyone has one now," she continued. 

"And I don't want one," you stated. 

"Y/N...please?" She sighed. 

You finally turned to look at her. She was holding a necklace in her hand, a standard metal one. Different charms could be added to it for the owner to personalise it but the purpose was all the same: finding your soulmate. 

It was something that was invented a few years ago so it was quite new but it worked very well. It grew hotter whenever you were closer to your soulmate and it grew colder whenever you were far away from them. 

To tell the truth, you didn't mind wearing one. It was just the thought that someone out there could actually fall in love with you was the thing that scared you. It was a strange thing to think about but then was a strange thing. 

You had finally caved in and put it one and it instantly adjusted to you. It was cold but it wasn't freezing you. That was a plus at least. 

Over the next few years, you never took it off. Wherever you went, it was always on, adjusting to wherever your soulmate was. It had always stayed cold and you began to wonder if you would ever find your soulmate. 

That was until it started to warm up. 

You were walking around town, just looking around different shops like you normally would in your lunch break. Then you saw something that looked interesting so you had gone in, picked it up and was now waiting to pay. 

Normal right? 

That was until someone stood behind you. And the heat from your necklace started to burn you. You hissed in pain and tried to get it to stop but nothing would work. 

"You okay?" You heard a deep voice ask you from behind. 

You swirled around to come face to face - not really face to face he was definitely taller than you - with a man in a black suit. It was tailored to his body shape and his blond hair was styled, it suited him. 

You nodded hastily, still trying to stop the heat. 

"Have one of those necklace things?" He asked. You nodded again. "I don't have one, always thought they would be annoying." 

You nodded again, "I didn't want to either but my mum got one for me." 

He laughed, "you never know. I could be your soulmate!" 

You laughed along with him but just as you were about to say something, it was your turn next up. As soon as you were done, you went to look for him but he couldn't be seen anywhere. 

The necklace had turned cold again...

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt