Do You? (Modern AU) (Freed x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: Gemini_The_Gem

--I have been working on revision and the Stingue fic all morning and afternoon...whoops--

You were the first to wake up. You were still in that phase between being awake and asleep but as soon as the realization hit you, the grogginess was swept away with excitement. It was Christmas! 

Waking up your boyfriend, Freed, you then rushed downstairs to the Christmas tree. Everything was neatly organised, no doubt done by Freed. The wrapping was spectacular, everything prim and proper. 

You heard his steps as he came down the stairs. You engulfed him in an embrace when you saw him walk through the door, his green hair everywhere due to bed-hair. 

You knew he was smiling sleepily as he wrapped his arms around you, loving your warmth. 

Freed had woken up more now, coffee in his hand and hair flattened down, he sat next to you as you handed out presents. Both of you, however, were still in your pajamas. It was Christmas, what was the use in getting dressed? 

You pulled out a small box, complete with a bow and stared at it intently. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Freed's mouth open slightly in a gasp before putting his coffee down. The present was definitely to you, but what could it be?

He motioned for you to open it so you tore into it hastily. Your curiosity had got the better of you. 

Now bare from the wrapping, the box in your hand was small and covered in red velvet that was smooth to the touch. You opened it slowly this time, now wanting to take it all in. As you opened it, a glimmering ring was revealed. It was white gold and you could see the Christmas lights dance in it's reflection. It was perfect. 

It only occurred to you now that Freed was leaning close to you. Your eyes flicked upwards to meet his. 

"Do you?" Were the only words that left his lips.

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