Afar (Mira x Vampire!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: daleketchup

Mira's POV:

I was being watched again. It's always that feeling at night when I'm alone. 

Everyone had already left the guild, except for a few who were asleep on the tables, so I was the last one to leave. I had just closed the doors behind me when I felt it again. That cold gaze fixed on me. I whipped around to scan the streets and the roofs of houses but nothing was there. 

I let out a sigh and watched my breath swirl around in the cold air in front of me. I pulled my coat closer to my body and then I set off to go home. 

Magnolia was unsettling at night, to say the least. The streets were so vibrant in the day with chatter and laughter. But at night, they were dead, quiet and cold. Walking alone was enough to scare anyone, especially when someone could be watching you. 

My eyes kept darting around whenever I heard the slightest bit of noise. I shouldn't be this scared, but I was. This had been happening for a few weeks now. Everyday when I left the guild hall, something would follow me back. Luckily, it stopped when I got home, at least it had a sense of decency.  

Something splashed in a puddle near me. I swirled to face it but nothing was there except from droplets of water falling through the air. The puddle sloshed around - someone had stepped in it. 

I took a deep breath and continued walking, faster this time. 

But then I heard the echo of footsteps in a ally nearby. This had never happened before, they wanted to be heard. 

I stopped in my tracks. Of course I wouldn't set foot in the ally but instead I peered in, which was hard because it was pitch black, and called in, "anyone there?" 

The footsteps edged closer, the echo getting louder.

"Hello?!" I called. 

A figure emerged from the ally, dressed in black. They had h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. They smiled at me, it was shy. 

I stepped closer, only by an inch, "were you following me?"  

They avoided my gaze and nodded slowly. 


"You're just so beautiful! I-I never meant to, it's just..." they blurted out. 

I froze, that was an odd reason. "I'm a member of the Fairy Tail Guild. Why don't you drop by some day, maybe join?" 

They shook their head hastily, "no, I can't." 

I cocked my head, "why? Do you not know magic?" 

They shook their head again and then very slowly, opened their mouth, revealing two very sharp fangs. They were pearly white which was odd. 

"You're a vampire," I whispered. Then it dawned on me. I took off in a sprint towards home. I needed to get away. Vampires were bad, very bad and dangerous. The fact that I had been followed by one for weeks was unsettling in itself. 

I could hear footsteps racing beside me, so close. I had to keep pushing, I was so close to home. I crashed in through the door and slammed it shut behind me. 

Regaining my breath, I collapsed onto a chair. That was so close. But something told me that the vampire wasn't running at its fastest. It wanted me to get away...

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