Snowball Fight (Endings) (Lyon x Reader x Gray)

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Ideas/Requested by: RosyIsTheFuture and JustThatGalaxy 

Lyon's Ending:

After constantly throwing snowballs back and forth, you had become quite tired. You had been pelted with snow from the start so now it was melting into your clothes, making you shiver. Gray had fallen only a few seconds ago, leaving Lyon the victor. Lyon ignored Gray grumbling on the floor and walked over to you. He took off his blue cloak, which he had used as a snow barrier during the fight, and draped it over your shoulders. He rubbed your arms to try and make some heat but that didn't work well so he pulled you closer into an embrace. 

"Should we go for that walk now?" He asked. 

"L-let me g-get changed f-first," you stammered through your chattering teeth. He nodded and led you inside so that you could warm up and put on fresh clothes.

After you had changed, Lyon led you back outside. Gray had left but the evidence from the recent snowball fight was still there. You felt Lyon's hand wrap around yours as he led you further away from the guild hall. 

You had been walking for a while now and the snow was still fresh. Your footprints were the only ones to taint it. 

"I love the snow," Lyon remarked. 

"So do I," you breathed, "isn't it so pretty?" 

Lyon gazed at you and nodded, "yes. Y/N, there's something I've been wanting to ask you." 

You turned your head to look at him, "Lyon? What is it?" 

"I...Will you be my partner?" He asked. 

You gasped slightly at the sudden question but smiled, leaned closer and whispered your answer. 

Gray's Ending: 

  After constantly throwing snowballs back and forth, you had become quite tired. You had been pelted with snow from the start so now it was melting into your clothes, making you shiver. Lyon had fallen only a few seconds ago, leaving Gray the victor.  

"Well at least he won't bother us anymore," Gray stated. 

You let out a little laugh and brought your arms around you to try and keep in some heat. You were freezing and you couldn't handle the cold as well as Gray. 

"You cold?" He asked. He needed no answer by the look on your face. "Let's get you back inside." 

He placed a hand between your shoulder blades to guide you back inside to the guild. You emerged a few minutes later, wearing fresh, warm clothes. 

"Okay! Now let's build something!" You cheered. 

"Like what?" 

"A snowman? I don't know," you tapped your chin in thought. 

"I can do that," he said, pulling snow together to form a ball. 

"Just no more snowball fights!" You shouted. 

Gray smirked and put the snow back down, "you're too cute." 

You gasped slightly, he had never called you cute before, "what was that?" 

"I called you cute. Do your ears not work anymore?" He continued shoving snow together, "now let's get this done." 

Your Ending:

Of course you had won with your expert skills of building a snow fort and carefully planning your attacks. Gray and Lyon seemed to be fighting only each other, giving you the advantage. You could have just let them fight it out and then claim the victory at the end but instead you joined in, throwing snowballs every now and then to confuse them. 

Now they both lay in the snow while you stood above them, soaking in your victory. 

"Now then," you said, "I command you to stop fighting each other."

"Well then what should we do?" Lyon huffed. 

"Can we fight you instead?" Gray asked suddenly. 

"What? No-" That was all that you could manage to sat before both Lyon and Gray pulled you down to the snow. You went down kicking and screaming. 

"You idiots!" You shouted. "That doesn't mean you can go and fight me!" 

You started to shiver due to the cold but both Gray and Lyon were fine. The cold never bothered them anyway. They both wrapped their arms around you in an attempt to keep you warm. 

"So cute, Y/N," Gray said. 

"We love you anyway," Lyon finished. 

You huffed but soaked up the warmth. You didn't want to die out in the cold.

--Now I'll wait for all of the Frozen comments...--

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