Cleaning Day (Sting x Reader x Rogue)

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Ideas/Requested by: Juliamigelska8

It was a perfect morning to sleep in; just the right temperature to be snuggled under the covers. But no. Of course you had to be woken up by Sting and Rogue: the Dragon Slayer Duo of Sabertooth. And of course you had to do work - it was the most dreaded day of the year for you: cleaning day. 

Sting had burst into your room first, making light spill into your room. Rogue had shuffled in afterwards, as quiet as ever. They had woken you up and dragged you down to the guild basement, a place where people rarely went but it had to be cleaned anyway. As you were going to the basement, you saw other people playing their part too, all of them cleaning something or other. 

As soon as you descended those steps to the basement, your eyes scanned the dark room for somewhere to sit. The basement was cold and you were still relatively warm so you shivered as you entered the room. Glancing at Sting, you wondered how he didn't freeze to death. You looked around again and saw a dusty chair in the corner. Picking up your pace, you made your way over to the chair and nearly fell onto it when you reached it. 

"No, no, Y/N. We actually need to get stuff done," Sting said.

You huffed and heaved yourself out of the chair, joining Sting and Rogue at some old box they had found. 

The basement was a fairly clean place since no one ever came down to it so there wasn't that much to clean meaning that you could just mess around for the whole day. Sneaky, you thought, Sting and Rogue are sneaky. 

The box was fairly old but it hadn't yet reached the stage where it was falling apart. Rogue opened it, revealing that it was full with different, dusty photo albums. You remembered them! 

Sting was the first to take one from the box. Wiping it clean of dust, he opened it, revealing row upon row of photos. Each one was filled with different members, smiling and having a good time.

You peered over Sting's shoulder as he flicked through the past memories, Rogue had joined you here. Sting suddenly stopped, his finger fixed on a photo of you, Sting and Rogue. You were smiling widely, it was probably the happiest that you had ever been. 

"Y/N's first birthday here," Rogue muttered.

"I'm surprised how you even remember that much," Sting laughed. 

Rogue glared at him, he might not remember much of that night but he knew what Sting was on about. 

You laughed along with Sting, remembering just how much Rogue was out of it. 

Rogue snatched the book from Sting's hands and quickly flicked through the pages to find and equally embarrassing memory for him. 

"Look here!" He announced loudly, sidestepping Sting who lunged for the book, "that time when Sting dived into the pool and lost his shorts." 

You clutched your stomach from laughing as you watched Sting tackle Rogue for the book.

"I'm thankful for Lector since he captured that moment," you managed to squeeze out. 

Rogue and Sting shared a look, forgot about the fight and started flicking through the book, no doubt looking for something embarrassing to use against you. You lunged forward on your knees to try and stop them but they were too fast and avoided you. 

"I hate you," you huffed. 

"But you really love us," Sting corrected. 

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