Hair Dye (pt 2) (Soulmate AU) (Natsu x Reader)

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--Part 2 is finally here, shocking I know!--

You turned your head back to the direction in which you were walking in when you nearly bumped into someone in front of you. You caught yourself before you collided with them and then smiled sheepishly up at the white haired girl.

She smiled warmly at you and let out a small laugh, "don't worry about Natsu. He's just been having some hair complications over the past few weeks." 

You let out a shaky laugh. "But why is everyone looking at me?" 

She tapped her chin while thinking about her reply. "I guess it's because you two have the same colour hair and a lot of talk has been going on about that...but it could also be because you're new."

Sighing, you sat down on a nearby bench, placing your head in your hands. Being the center of attention wasn't something that you liked. Dyeing your hair had been fun at the time but if you were going to be pestered about it, you were going back to your original hair colour. Maybe it would stop if you did that.

The next day, you entered the guild again, determined to get your first job, and without the complications of yesterday. 

No such thing...

You were stopped by the boy who had gone red as soon as he saw your hair yesterday. Although, he no longer had the same colour hair as you, his hair was pink. 

"Why'd you change your hair?" He asked. 

"I didn't like all the attention that came with it," you mumbled. 

"Then why'd you do it in the first place?"

"It was a way for me to express myself, I guess," you replied. 

He hummed slightly before gently taking some of your hair in his fingers, "that's a shame, I liked it," he let go and stepped back, holding out a hand, "I'm Natsu." 

"I'm Y/N," you said, taking his hand. 

"Keep blushing like that and your face will be the same shade as his hair!" Someone shouted from the other side of the hall. You quickly covered your face, unaware of your blushing. 

Natsu let out a small laugh, "you looking for a job? Why don't you come with my team?" 


Who knew that encounter was the start of something beautiful?  

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