Introductions- for the second time...

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The Cradle of Magic
By BlivArmageddon
This book is dedicated to @marybethp my real Vin x


Screams, blood, eyes, tears, shadows, falling, fire, death. Screams, blood, eyes, tears, shadows, falling, fire, death. Screams, blood, eyes, tears, shadows, falling, fire, death.
Repeats in my mind, every night that space; that empty space that I can't reach when conscious comes out like a werewolf at full moon, ripe and ready to fill my head with dark thoughts and visions of destruction. I cannot change what it is neither can I prevent it, I am dreaming of normal things and a knob turns a door in my head and havoc breaks loose into my happy thoughts. I do not know if what I dream of is fantasy or future fiction but it seems real enough. Memories of my past linger at the sidelines, I can see them; my friends, my family watching as the world around them is destroyed, I can see the eyes of my little sister watch as her sibling battles and falls with the soldiers that are her friends, her family.

There are screams of my companions and foes, blood of both. The blue eyes of my partner as she watches me fight my opponent, they brim with tears. Shadows lash at me from above, bringing me fear and pain. I feel weak and am falling to earth from the height I was at before. With one last surge I burn fire from my heart and send it into the sky, into my opponent. I fall to the ground, and the world goes black. I am dead.

I woke, cold sweat brimming on my hairline like neglected raindrops on a window ledge. I sat up and breathed hard trying to get the thoughts out of my head and air into my lungs. This had happened every night for the last five years, I had come to get used to it. I laid back on the cold pillow and breathed hard, turning to blank spaces on the wall for guidance of sleep. I closed my eyes and my body relaxes. I fell unconscious quickly.


The sun forms beams of trickled light in from under the window and I woke a total of three seconds before my alarm clock. I stretched my cold muscles trying to regain warmth from the covers and lie there for a minute smiling for no apparent reason. I briefly checked my alarm clock, 8:23, and bring my arms back behind my head, stretching. I then realized something.
"Oh my God!" I yelled to myself, flinging off my covers off darting out of bed. I pulled the curtain onto a busy Dublin street below and make a dash for the kitchen, I popped a few pieces of bread into my newly bought waffle toaster and make a dart for the shower.

I abruptly turned the shower off, wrapping myself in a towel with my toothbrush lolling out of the side of my mouth as I heard a constant beeping sound coming from the kitchen. I opened the door and a billow of smoke comes up into my eyes and nostrils, only I would try to toast bread with a waffle  toaster. Grabbing a mop I try to make the sound stop by hitting the alarm, but it doesn't work so I hit it with a blast of water. That however, does work. 

I swiftly get changed without so much as a morsel of breakfast, and leave the flat in the worst state I could have ever possibly been in for my first day at work; my leather jacket practically flung over my shoulders as a last second attempt at class. I vault the stairs with ease and precision and make a sprint for my bike, which great, has a parking ticket wedged in the seat. 

Oh the joys of living a mortal life. 

**********24 hours earlier************


I couldn't sit still; there was no doubt towards the idea. No matter how hard I would repetitively stretch out my limbs across the hard wooden floor of the lecture room there was no way I would be able to concentrate any further into the session. I had regretted my choice from the second I had come here; a life change like that made no sense and was a completely irregular way of spending my time. I knew this all anyway, I had been in the field and was determined to enforce on the fact that I didn't need to spend eight hours of my day- every day- being drawled by ancient lecturers. 

Skulduggery Pleasant fan-fic: The Cradle of Magic (UNDER EDIT)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt