Chapter 44.

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Being awaken by the alarm I let out a tired yawn.

I probably went to sleep at four or five in the morning crying my eyes out.

Pathetic I know, but I had been holding it in for too long.

It was time to let it all out.

And what better place than at night in your room alone where only your pillow and picture frames could hear your sobs.

Looking at the time which read 7:05 a.m. I sigh.

All I wanted to do was stay here in bed sleeping for the day, but thrusday morning wasn't going to let that happen.

Forcing myself to get up I walk to the bathroom.

Starring at my puffy red eyes and dry tears that stained my cheeks I groan and wash my face.

After a hot shower I dress myself and do my hair into a half up and half down style so my natural waves could stand out.

Appling make up so the bags under my eyes can barely be noticed along with blush and lip gloss I grab my bag.

I slowly make my way downstairs hoping to not find my parents already awoken.

I had been avoiding them for the longest.

I can't even remember the last time we had a long conversation.

I wouldn't say hi to either of them, so they didn't bother aswell.

I realize now that I wasn't acting like myself and that it was hurting their feelings.

*Flash Back*

After leaving Slade and that terrible conversation behind I decided to sit in the park for a while.

I needed some fresh air and time to myself completely.

No Slade, no parents, no Claire, no problems, no worries, no nothing.

Just me.

Around 10:00 pm pass my curfew I arrived home quietly.

Going up the stairs I make my way to my room but hear my mother's voice that stops me in my track.

"Where on earth is she!?" She shouts.

I press my ear to their closed door.

"She's probably with Claire. Come on she's done this a million times now please relax" my father advises.

Not anymore, Claire is having mood swings lately.

"I can't!" She snaps.

"We can't do this anymore! This has gotten out of hand. She's out of control!" She states.

I hear her sigh.

"What did we do wrong?" She questions.

Nothing you did nothing wrong, it's all my fault!

"We didn't do anything we just-", "all I did was love and support her" she cries.

Don't blame yourself mom please!

"I know " my father replies.

"Then why is she repaying us this way?" She questions.

I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you!

"She's going through a stage honey, I don't think this has anything to do with us to be honest" he informs.

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