Chapter 23.

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"Hey" he greets.

"Uh...I'll see you later! Bye!" Claire blurts nervously running away.

I looked around confused as to why she reacted that way.

It was as if she was scared.

And just fled because Slade was that close to her.

I then notice everyone else had left.

I guess everyone else reacted the same way when Slade had appeared.

Slade and I were the only two in the hallway.

This is weird.

"What's your problem?" I ask.

"I have no problem" he states coldly.

"Then what's with your attitude?" I ask in complete confidence.

Wow, that's new.

I like it.

"I have no attitude. This is how I talk, so get used to it buttercup" he orders.

"Buttercup?" I ask.

"Yeah, problem?" he questions rudely.

"Umm yes? Your attitude is a problem" I state the obvious getting annoyed that he wasn't noticing how rude he was being.

He rolls his eyes.

"Whatever" he mumbles.

"Yeah, whatever. See you in class" I reply turning my heels.

"Who said I'm going to class?" he smirks.

I stop in my tracks.

I slowly turn again.

"What?" I ask.

"You heard me!" he grins.

"What do you mean you're not going to class?" I ask.

"I mean I'm not going to class, are you dumb or do you just act like you are?" he snorts.


"Excuse me!" I demand.

"You're excused" he snorts.

"What happened to your face?" I question softly.

"Don't worry about." he spits.

I take a deep breathe trying not to explode.

"Slade you're acting weird" I announce.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he replies with a shrug.

"I'll see you after school, don't go home. I'll pick you up once you get out" he orders.

"So you're really not attending any classes today?" I ask in disbelief.

He shakes his head no.

"You're going to cut?" I ask my jaw dropping a little.

"Yup" he replies calmly.

"You know this action you're about to take effects you as a student and person in every way right?" I ask.

"So?" he responds back with a question.

I debate on whether or not I should argue, but then realize if I do I'll be more late to class than I am already.

"Ok" I answer.

"Cool" he states walking away.

Wow, that really was weird.

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