Chapter 40.

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"Hey" she greets as I walk into my bedroom closing the door behind me.

"Hi" I force a smile of my own even though I didn't feel like smiling at all.

"What's wrong?" She questions with a frown.

"This" I say dropping my bag on the floor next to the door.

"All of it!" I add with a sigh at the end slipping out of my shoes allowing myself to fall on my bed which Claire was already seated on.

She plays with my hair.

"Slade right?" She questions.

"It's hard" I confess.

"To keep up with all of this" I mumble.

"I know.......I'm sorry" she apologizes.

"But look on the bright side! I heard Vanessa Cruz is throwing a party saturday night, which is a perfect time to interfere and ruin it for her by throwing your own party that same night, plus your mom is making spaghetti for dinner!" She pipes happily.

"I'm just tired" I confess.

"Alright fine I'll let you sleep. We'll discuss our plan about the party later on. Get some rest" she advises kissing my cheek leaving me in my room alone.

I'm tired of this plan already.

I just want this all to end, to be over, to stop.

I just want to live my life without anyone being on my back.

But that's not how life rolls I guess.

With a yawn I pull a blanket over myself and drift off to sleep forgetting and pushing aside my problems along with all my worries.


I sit beside Claire with a tray infront of me.

I just had it there, but I wasn't going to eat anything.

I wasn't hungry, all I wanted to do was go to the school library where no food was being thrown by childish teenagers and nobody's peace was to be disturbed.

But I couldn't, I had to be seen.

Since I was popular now.

It was important for everyone to see me and be in my business.

Before nobody cared, and I wish I had appreciated that more.

Despite the bad things there were also a few good things of being unknown to the rest of the high school population.

My eyes roam around the cafeteria searching for one person only.

I didn't even realize I was looking for him at first, then I caught on.

I needed to see him, even if I couldn't go into deep conversation with or about him.

I could atleast see him.

Unfortunately my eyes failed to find him.

He wasn't in here.

I stand up taking my tray with me.

"Where are you going?" Claire questions holding my arm to stop me.

"Library, I'm tired of being here" I state.

"But you can't go. Any minute now Vanessa will announce her party. She needs to know you're here and listening to what she's saying" she protests.

"No she doesn't. I already know what to do. I don't need to hear her pronounce the words I'm throwing a party this Saturday night. I know when and where I have to give out my own invitations" I argue.

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