Chapter 41.

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"Everyone is talking about your party and how great it was!" Claire pipes from behind my locker.

I close the locker and smile.

"I know all this morning everyone kept saying things like 'great party', 'your party was crazy sick', 'we had an awesome night', and 'you should throw another one way to go!', I felt like I accomplished something" I explain grinning.

"And that's not all, everyone's talking about how you defeated Vanessa!" She states.

"Defeated?" I ask.

She nods.

"You're more popular than ever Grace, you're the real talk now" she smiles.

I force a smile of my own.

Vanessa must be really angry and aggravated now.

She must be developing a devious plan to get back at me right this moment.

I really hit her hard this time.

She's not going to stand back until she does something so terrible to me that I'm knocked back down to the bottom of the list.

Because according to everyone I'm at the top, and she's second.

And she'll never just settle for second.

"Where is she?" I ask.

Claire shrugs.

"I haven't seen her today. She must be ashamed to show her face" she smirks.

"Stop" I laugh.

Right when Claire was going to say something else the bell rang.

We said our goodbyes and went to class.


Walking into the girl's bathroom I let out a tired sigh.

Slade didn't come to school today or maybe he did, but just cut all his classes probably to avoid me or something.

He was all I could think about.

But that wasn't anything new.

"Why hello there geek" a voice greets making me jump a little.

I turn to face her, her two minions behind.

"You look a bit jumpy today" she notes with a smirk crossing her arms.

"That's because you startled me" I state the obvious.

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah whatever" I say walking towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" She questions quickly grabbing my arm.

"To class!" I snap snatching my arm away from her.

"Unlike you, I actually care about my grades. I'm not just looks, but brain also. Something guys dig even more" I inform with a grin.

"Also something you lack" I add.

"Funny, you think you have looks" she forces a laugh.

"Because I do. And not only i believe it. According to the majority of the male population in this school believes it too" I state amused for she knew it was true.

"I've always had the looks. I didn't have to transform like the freak you are!" She snaps.

"Doesn't stop you from being jealous of this freak though" I smile sweetly.

Geek Transformation.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang