Chapter 30.

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Waking up to a loud bang I let out an annoyed groan.

Rubbing my eyes I place my glasses on my face.

"What in the heavens is that?" I ask to myself.

It sounds like it's coming from my window.

Another bang sounds confirming it is towards my window causing me to shriek and tumble my clumsy self off my bed.

Blindly searching for my glasses that had fallen from my face I sigh.

Hearing another bang I finally find my glasses and slowly stand in front of the window where a dark colored curtain covered it.

Should I go ahead and look?

Or would that be dangerous?

Maybe it's just a squirrel or something and I should just go back to sleep.....right?

But what if it isn't?

Or is it just me, simply just hearing things?

I gasp hearing not bangs but knocking.

"Oh my God!" I whisper shriek starting to panic.

What in the world is behind my window!?

Oh no!

There's a murderer behind my window!

This is it.

I can't believe this is it!

But it can't be, I have my whole life ahead of me.

I'm just too young.

Wait......what if I just run?

"Grace!" a voice calls from behind the window interrupting my thoughts.

It takes me a while to gather my thoughts but I finally come to realization.

"Slade!?" I question in disbelief walking over to open the curtains.

Revealing an annoyed looking Slade I give him a confused look.

Why on earth is he at my window this late!?

Has he gone insane!?

What a bipolar child this is.

"Finally!" he rolls his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I ask looking at him with wide eyes.

"We need to talk, can you let me in?" he questions.

I open the window allowing him in.

"How did you climb up here?" I ask.

"There was a latter. Thank God I had found it, I was getting tired of throwing rocks at your window" he states.

"What's so important that can't wait until tomorrow Slade?" I ask seriously.

"I need you're help" he confesses.

"Remember the last conversation we had?" he questions.

I slowly nod getting flash backs of the way he looked at me and spoke to me causing me to feel horrible and useless because I couldn't do anything about it all over again.

"Well there is actually something you can do to help me. Like really really help me" he informs.

"Uh, yeah what's up, I'll do anything" I quickly answer.

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