Chapter 19.

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"Hello?" a voice speaks entering my room.

"Grace are you awake?" it questions.


It is saturday morning man!

Why am I always being interrupted when I'm in the middle of such wonderful events?

I let out a groan.

The voice chuckles climbing onto my bed.

With my eyes still shut I reach for my glasses placing them on my face.

Letting out a tired yawn and stretch I finally open my eyes.

Adjusting to the sunlight that was spilling inside the room through my curtains I am greeted with Claire.

She smiles at me showing all her perfectly white teeth.

"Here" she extends her arms out at me.

I look down at her hands confused then realized she was holding something.

A rectangular box with a red bow taped on top of it.

"For me?" I question in disbelief.

She nods her smile growing.

Is she serious?

When has she ever brought anything for anyone, but herself?

"Well take it silly" she laughs.

I do as told.

Opening the box I examine what's inside.

"It' mark?" I state coming out as a question.

"Mmhuh" she nods in agreement.

"I figured it suited you since your face is always buried inside a book" she confesses.

"Isn't it so cute!" she beams.

"Yeah" I agree with a slight shrug.

I was cute I guess.

It was small, but could be put anywhere, rectangular, and had a little green worm wearing glasses and a huge book by its side.

"Thanks" I smile.

"You're welcome" she replies.

"So, why are you here this early on a saturday?" I ask getting up from my bed and heading towards my bathroom.

"I thought we could hang out" she suggests.

"Hang out?" I ask picking up my toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Hang out" she repeats.

"Like shopping" she suggests.

"I hate shopping" I confess spiting some toothpaste into the sink after a while of brushing my teeth properly.

"Oh" I hear her say clearly disappointed.

I wash my entire face.

"Ok well how about this!" she pipes as I enter my room again grabbing my towel to dry my face heading back to the bathroom.

"What?" I ask.

"The spa!" Claire squeals excitedly clapping her hands together.

"Sounds good to me" I agree.

"I'll meet you downstairs in a bit" I add slipping out of my sleeping cloths and stepping into the shower.

"Yay!" she cheers happily runnning out of my room.

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