Chapter 33. Transformation part 1.

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"Claire stop!" I shriek loudly.

She had accomplished getting on top of me and trapping me with her hand so that I wouldn't be able to escape or move on my own bed.

She's insane guys if you didn't already know.

"Get that thing away from me, this isn't funny!" I state seriously.

"Would you quit it already!" she orders.

"No!" I shout having enough knocking her off me.

She lets out a scream tumbling off the bed.

I laugh.

"It's just a brush, you didn't have to go and try to break my leg" she shoots me a glare.

I stick out my tongue at her.

"You know I don't do hair brushes, therefore you shouldn't try shoving one in my face like that knowing the way I would react" I shrug.

"Grace it was a long time ago!" she exclaims.

"And it haunts me till this day!" I cry a little too dramatically.

"Let it go!" She orders.

"No!" I argue.

"Grow up" she sighs.

"It's not the hair brush's fault that you-", "shhhhh!" I quickly cut in.

"That story is forbidden to be told ever again and you know that!" I warn.

"Sorry" she mumbles with a grin.

I roll my eyes.

"But seriously if you want my help to fix your look up you need to cooperate inorder to spice your style up" she states.

"You can't be afraid of it forever" she informs handing me the hair brush.

I examine it thinking everything over in my head.

"Come on it's a harmless non-living thing just take the dang brush already!" she snaps.

"Okay okay!" I snatch it from her hand.

"I'm over my fear of stupid hairbrushes, happy?" I say annoyingly throwing the brush on the bed.

"Yes!" she claps her hands.

"Because that means we can move on!" she sings.

"Yay" I say dully in a jokingly matter.

"Step one for this transformation, HAIR" she begins.

"You have pretty good hair, great hair actually, but you don't embrace nor show it off enough like you should do" she informs.

"Here are some tips" she states.

I nod indicating I'm listening.

"Your hair always needs to be on point, it needs to look flawless at all times, it needs to be PERFECT" she explains.

I look at her weirdly.

"Ok maybe not always, but you have to be seen like you care about the way you look. You can't be so careless about your hair, your hair is one of the top things people look at when they first see you next to your body" she explains.

"You're right" I agree.

"I know I am" she replies.

"In any and every style you put your hair in whether it's in a bun, pony tail, loose, straight, curly, naturally wavy/curly it has to be well done" she informs.

Geek Transformation.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang