Chapter 31.

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He rushes to get in between everything.

His jaw drops as he stares at me in shock, along with disappointment.

"She's the only one we found sir" one officer states.

"Grace?" he questions in disbelief.

"It can't be" he thinks out loud.

"Young lady you're under arrest for stealing school and apartment of education property" another officer announces.

I remain in silence like I have been during this whole entire time my mind set on one person and one person only.


And I was ready, for what ever punishment awaited me.

I was ready to be handcuffed, I was ready to serve my time or do community service, I was ready to be yelled at by parents along with anyone else who had some sort of authority over me, I was ready to be looked at differently by everyone who saw some sort of good in me.

It was over, everything.

And I was ready.

"Wait!" a voice cuts in the process of both my arms being pulled behind my back.

He lets out a long sigh.

"Don't arrest her. I'll.....I'll take it from here boys" he informs.

"You sure sir?" The officer behind me questions.

He nods.

"Positive. I'll handle it from here, she will receive her punishment, but I'm not pressing anything against her. You guys can leave now, thank you for all your help" he dismisses.

"No problem. You have a nice night" the officer replies leaving my side and walking down the hall out through the first exit with the rest.

What was he thinking letting me off the hook like that!?

I deserved to be handcuffed.

I deserved to pay for what I did.

He can not be this nice to a person who broke into his office to steal papers that contained the answers to a school final!


"I trusted you with all I had, how could you betray me like that!? How could you cause this shame upon yourself and let down the school staff that believed how great of a person and student you were" he informs.

"And you knew that!" he states.

"Grace do you have anything to say for yourself?" Mr.Altman questions.

I sighed shaking my head.

"With what dignity?" I ask.

"What I did was extremely wrong, I knew exactly what I was getting myself into" I begin with a sniff.

"And......I did it anyway. I don't deserve your kindness or to be treated right. I don't deserve any pitty, from anyone. I deserve to pay for what I've done" I continue avoiding eye contact.

"I admit a hundred percent that what I did was wrong, and accept all responsibility for my actions" I confess.

"You were right, when you told me to stay away from him" I inform.

*Flash Back*

"No wonder he passed. He had the smartest student to help him out" he comments.

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