Chapter 39.

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I take a deep breath and wipe my sweaty hands on my black high-waisted skirt.

I fix my bow tie and black smooth fabric jacket that I wear over my white colar blouse.

"Ready?" Mr.Altman questions placing a supportive hand on my shoulder.

I look at him and smile.

"Ready" I reply.

"Very well, it's your moment Grace, now go out there!" He encourages.

"Thank you for this" I say.

"Always" he puts his thumbs up.

I make my way around the stage that the curtains aren't covering.

Being greeted by the whole staff and population of students in the entire school I stand in the middle of the stage infront of the curtains with my head held high.

Being handed a microphone I try to forget the hard pounding of my heart against my chest.

I clear my throat speaking into the mic.

"Goodmorning students and staff of Brookmen High" I begin with a smile.

"As you know my name is Grace Evans" I inform causing whistling and cheers from a few male students.

"Honored to be called the principle assistant of this school and be able to work with the fellow staff members here along with our principal Mr.Altman himself" I add.

"We are gathered here to talk about a common topic that occurs in an everyday high school life. It's an issue we all will want to resolve, or atleast come to an agreement to, but with that we need everyone's cooperation" I explain.

"This topic is bullying" I state pausing for a long second examining the crowd.

My eyes landing first on Vanessa Cruz along with her minions, Matthew Davis along with his jock crew, and then Slade Johnson.

He was seated at the very end away from the rest of the students so it wasn't hard to spot him.

He was slouched seated in his chair with his arms crossed against his chest looking bored as usual.

He straightens himself as soon as his eyes find mine, I continue.

"Bullying is when someone uses superior strength or influence to intimidate someone else who most of the time isn't as superior, typically to force him or her to do what one wants." I define.

"It is to put down, it is to target, it is to pick on, and drive away from the rest to make that person feel like they do not belong" I continue.

"To make them feel differently, apart from everything and everyone else. To make them feel like they aren't wanted, like they shouldn't matter, like they aren't worth anything" I say.

"To oppress, to pressure, to insult, to hurt not only physically but mentally aswell" I go on.

"Some people do it unintentionally, others do it purposely for what reasons I don't know. Either way it is wrong. Either way it should stop. Either way if you have ever done such a thing to someone before or are still doing it, you are WRONG" I respond firmly.

"Nobody deserves to be mistreated in that way. We are all the same, we're all humans. Nobody here is a god nor goddess. And whoever is in that mindset should get off that cloud right now and step into the real world" I almost order but never get rid of my calm graceful voice.

"This assembly is to assure and demonstrate that the school sees these types of struggles some students go through unnecessarily, they acknowledge that you go through this. And we want to help you" I inform.

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