Chapter 42.

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''Grace Evans to the principle's office......Grace Evans to the principle's office'' I hear.

The class turns towards my direction with eager sparks in their eyes.

Ugh these people are always in somebody's business wondering what others do.

I roll my eyes collecting my belongings shoving them into my bag.

I wonder what I did now I think to myself walking out the classroom.

''You wanted to see me?'' I question walking into his office looking bored after a few minutes of walking.

He clears his throat nodding.

''Yes I did. I wanted to tell you something'' he informs.

''I think you told me enough things yesterday sir'' I remind truly not wanting to hear more from him or Slade or anyone else in that matter.

''No no.....this is different. I'm not here to argue, but apologize'' he states.

''Apologize?'' I question in complete shock.

He nods.

''No, you don't have, it's fine, I just had a lot going on yesterday-'', ''No, I want to do this'' he cuts in.

I grow silent not knowing how else to stop him from apologizing.

He didn't need to apologize, his intentions were good.

They always are.

That's why I admire him so much, he only wants what's best for me.

I was just too angry to see that.

''Grace I'm sorry if I offended you in any way or yelled at you for the reason being of my emotions getting the best of me'' he apologizes.

"It wasn't the correct thing to do as a supportive principal" he states.

''It's fine. I'm sorry too'' I state.

He nods, I offer him a small smile.

''There's something else'' he states after a moment of silence.

I frown seeing his expressions that looked so down.

''What is it Mr.Altman?'' I ask softly.

''The reason why I'm so strict and passionate about your sudden change is because I don't want you to ruin your life like Vanessa Cruz did'' he confesses.

"Like she did?" I question not understanding.

"Yes, like she did" he confirms.

"With her prideful and selfish personality along with ignorant mindset she isn't put up to a bright future" he says sadly.

"Oh" is all I say.

He was right.

Characteristics like that were the ones that lead you nowhere in life, nowhere happy atleast.

"I don't want you to make the same mistake as she did. I wouldn't like for you to become like her Grace" he confesses.

''I don't want that either.....but why specifically her?'' I ask curiously.

He sighs.

''She wasn't always this way, nor dressed the way she does now, she was completely different. A good different. She was the opposite of what she is now. She was....just like you'' he smiles.

''What happened?'' I ask in a quiet tone.

''He happened'' he simply replies starring on a spot at the wall.

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