Chapter 7.

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"Grace" a voice calls.

"What?" I groan.

"Get up" my mom orders.

"For what I have no school today, my hand needs to rest!" I explain tiredly.

"You have a visitor, well visitors" she informs.


Was I hearing correctly?

Who would ever want to visit me?

Ignoring her statement I stay quiet trying to drift into my deep sleep again.

"It's that Slade guy" she sings.

My eyes shoot wide open as I force my body to jump off bed.

Literally, I jumped off the bed landing face-flat on the ground.

Thank God it wasn't my hand.

I let out a painful groan hearing my mother giggle.

"Mom instead of making fun of me, can you help me up?" I ask with an eye roll.

"No, now hurry down stairs!" she laughs hopping out my room.

My mother is so childish, I'm telling you.

Slowly getting up so I won't injure my hand I grab my glasses.

Quickly brushing my teeth, I run out the bathroom fixing my natural curls with my fingers.

And yes I did shower before I fell asleep, so there isn't need to do that.

And no it's not morning, it's already the afternoon.

Satisfied with my appearance I hurry downstairs.


I sigh mentally slapping myself.

I still have pajamas on.

And to top it off I'm wearing my big, pink, fluffy, bunny slippers.

Great, this is just great!

Letting the appearance thing slide off my back I make my way downstairs.

And to my surprise Slade was actually in my house.

He was seated on one of the couches along with another little boy, who may I say looked exactly like him.

Slade is actually in my house.

Is this crazy or what?

Didn't your mom already tell you he was in the house, why are you having mini attack for no apparent reason?

Oh yeah right, a guy like Slade never stepped foot into your house before that's why you're acting like you have no idea what to do.

Would you just shut it!

I smile approaching them.

"Hi" Slade greets standing up from his seat.

"Hello" I greet shyly.


Oh that ain't pathetic at all, what going to be pathetic is when I murder you annoying captain-obvious voice inside my head.

I'll like to see you try.

Ignoring the voice I focus my attention on Slade.

"This is my brother, Steve" he introduces.

I smile at the little boy in front of me.

He had the same deep blue eyes as Slade, dark brown almost black hair, red chubby cheeks, and the cutest smile with a few missing teeth.

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