Chapter 20

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Elizabeth's POV

I wake up in the morning, my heart seemed to ache in my chest. I have lost my friend, and I wish I didn't have to. Meow. I smile at the warmth of Mittens. "I'm up." I chuckle. I sit up and he gracefully walks onto my lap. I look out the window, it was quite strange how the world felt without Jason.

"Let's have breakfast now, shall we?" I get up and my feet settle in the pile of clothes I had left when I had been looking for something to wear. "This first." I let out a breath. I start to pick up my clothes that I had worn last night. Mittens sits on the bed and watches me, licking his paw with his pink, sand paper like tongue. I hang up my clothes and I'm about to leave my room when I see that I hadn't put my coat away.

I pick it up and something falls out of the pocket. I look down at my feet, there was a folded paper. I'm hesitant to pick it up, but I do. I unfold it, curious as to what it was. My eyes water.

Sweetest Elizabeth,

I apologize about leaving the way I did. And on your birthday. By the time you read this I would already be on the first flight to Japan. Or knowing how long you sleep, I'd be landing in Japan. You really mean a lot to me, and I wish the best for your future. I know that you'll find what you're looking for.

I send my greatest hopes that you will be happy with whom ever you choose to give your heart to. Even if its not Min Yoongi. I just hope that he would treat you the way you should be treated.

I hope you're not crying as you read this, you should be happy you're living another day. You were a great friend that I'll cherish. And although you had never felt the feelings I had for you, I still believe love is out there for me.

I wish I could have been able to say these words to you, in person. But I couldn't find the strength to express them to you. I didn't want Yoongi's chances to have you again, to be slim. Because I'm in love with you and I'd want you to be happy with the man you're supposed to be with.

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