Chapter 15

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I quickly get to work. I let Jennie use my lap top and I use my tablet. First we start looking for Lawyers. Sending out letters for help.

To whom it may concern;

My name is Min Yoongi and I am a single artist for the Big Hit company. I need a lawyer to sue my manager Mr. Yoon. He's been up to some activity that is against the rule book of being a manager.

Please take prices into consideration, I am extremely desperate to get a lawyer and will be willing to pay full price or even more if it comes to the circumstances. Please reply as soon as possible.

Min Yoongi

Sent to: 22 different applicants

I wait patiently for a response. Only about ten minutes later I get multiple emails.


Inbox: 9 new messages

new message
≥ new message
new message
new message
new message
new message
new message
new message
new message

I'm completely surprised at the number of messages I was receiving and I hoped that it was a good thing. That at least one of the messages were good, that I would be getting a lawyer to put Mr. Yoon in jail for what he's done to me. I take a chance and open one of the messages.

From: Law and serve industry
To: Min Yoongi

We are very sorry to say that if you'd be posting charges against Mr. Yoon we can not help you. But we send our biggest hopes that you find a lawyer to help you with your case.

My eyebrows knit. I turn and look at Jennie. "Have you found anything?" I ask. She looks up at me and shakes her head. "I've sent emails to multiple lawyers, even out of Korea and none will accept." She says. "I think that they all know about Mr. Yoon." She looks concerned.

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