Chapter 10

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The next morning I feel like complete shit. My eyes were blood shot, I couldn't even swallow saliva without my throat hurting. I look down at my stomach and Mittens is fast sleep. I think he knew that I was hurting and wanted to keep me company. I grin to myself and pet his head. His eyes slowly open. Meow. I pull him into my arms and sit up.

"You're the only man in my life.. You know that right?" I ask quietly. Meow. I mindlessly pet his soft fur. I was surprised that I didn't want to cry anymore. Maybe because I stayed up until two in the morning crying. I'm dried out.

This was my first real heart break, and it sucked. I had to keep my mind off of it. I stand up and walk over to my dresser. Maybe going out to the mall would be better, with all the people and irresistible sales it would help.


None of this helped at all. The mall was a horrible idea. Every store I went to there was his merchandize for his mixtape Agust D. All his painted faces plastered on shirts felt as if he was staring into my soul making sure I'm broken.

I stop in front if one of the racks. His eyes looked dreamy, like they always were. "Oh my Gosh!!" I hear a girl and her friend scream and they runs over to the rack I'm at. "Yah! Mina! Did you hear Yoongi is with Jennie from Black Pink!? They announced it today!"

My heart stops in my chest. "Omg! Really!? I totally ship them! Sugnnie!" The girl whose apparently Mina, screeches. "Yes! Sugnnie!" Her friend screeches back. They grab a shirt each and run off to the next rack with more shirts. I stand there and stare at his face on the shirt in front of me. I feel my eyes water. So this is why he left me.. This is why he hurt me. To have another girl. Her name was Jennie? Her name was exactly the same name as the girl from high school.

I was anxious to find out who this girl was. I don't buy anything and head out of the mall, not wanting to be there any longer. As I step out of the mall I hear a loud crack from the sky. I look up and realized that the white fluffly clouds from when I first arrived were now dark and thick.

As I walk to my car the rain right away starts to pour. My hair gets weighed down by the water. I pull out my keys and unlock my car. I flop into my car and head home.

When I finally get home I don't care about my wet clothes, or if I'd get sick because of it. I right away rush to my room and grab my lap top. I set it on the bed so it won't get ruined. Her name was Jennie. But what group was she in?? I only remember black.. Something black.

I type in Jennie from black and right away comes up Jennie from black pink and I click it. My eyes widen, this was her. It was exactly her, the girl that I went to high school with. She's a Kpop idol just like Yoongi. I bite my lip, of course I wondered what exactly was the reason for this.


Yoongi's POV

I had just dropped off Liz at her housr after breakfast. I can't stop thinking about last night, and thus morning how I couldn't control myself when I touched her soft skin. I try not to think about it too much as I walk into the recording studio, ready to record the rest of Agust D.

Yet I'm completely surprised just to see m manager here. He's sitting back in a big office chair near the equipment with his leg propped over the other. His fingers intertwined as his hands sat on his knee. His face was serious. "Sit." Is a he says as he nods to the other office chair near me.

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