Chapter 16

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3 months later

"Jason!! Come here!" I screech. He laughs and runs down the sidewalk. I pout and stop in my tracks. He stops and turns. "Are you coming or not?" He asks with that smile on his face.

"You know I don't like to run." I say slowly walking down towards him. He chuckles. "It was worth a shot." He shrugs. I can't help but smile. "See. There's that cute smile of yours." He says pinching my cheeks, making my stomach feel weird. I could have sworn I saw him lean in a bit. I take a step back.

"Ugh. Jason stop. Friends don't flirt with friends." I say pushing his hands away and walking pass him. He's quiet, I know I must have hurt his feelings. He was only playing around, I think. I stop in my tracks and turn towards him. "I'm sorry Jason. I like you... I really do. But I'm still not ready for any kind of.." He just looks up at me and smiles. "Don't worry about it Liz. I understand. There's absolutely no reason to explain. Let's just go get our coffee's." He says walking up to me.

I feel bad, Jason has stuck by my side for three months when I was a complete wreck. And only a real idiot wouldn't be able to see that Jason has feelings for me. Its still hard for me, the last time I let someone in.. I was hurt so bad I can't even explain the pain. I'm not saying that Jason would hurt me, I just have trust issues now because of..

My eyebrows knit and I bite my tongue. "Liz.." I'm smacked out of my thoughts by Jason's voice. "You okay?" He asks, his face read nothing but concern. I nod. "You don't look okay.. Are you sure that-". "Jason.. Just take it easy.. Okay? I'm fine. I really am." I nod. He still looks concerned. "I hate that my gut is telling me not to believe you.." I frown. "Jason." He takes a step forward. "Elizabeth." His hands hold mine.

"Please. I'm your.. Friend. And I'm here to make you feel better about yourself." His thumbs messaging the back of my hands making my small headache go away. "I know he hurt you Elizabeth. But you need to realize that I'm not him. I'm not going to hurt you like he did." He looks deep into my eyes. "You can tell me anything, and I assure you, it would never scare me away from you." He says. I slowly pull my hands away from his touch, unable to be comfortable to any kind of contact that involved feeling with someone whom indeed had feelings for me.

It reminded me too much of him. I can't do a lot of things now. Like I can't go to the Cherry Blossom festival, or the top of the hill to watch the sun set. I dare not to look at red roses, or sun flowers, even if it was my favorite flower. And lastly... I can't look at the dress that hangs in my closet. I've changed so miraculously that I can't even catch up with myself. There are so many things that my body is going through that I'm not aware of.

Yet.. I stand here, with a man that has feelings for me. I can still remember the day he confessed to me, like it was yesterday.

Two weeks ago

He smiles at me from across the dinner table as we feasted on different salads and pasta. I smile back, Jason thought it was a good idea that bringing me out to eat would help me adjust.

I guess he was right because I felt great to finally be out. And plus, I've never been to this restaurant. "Do you like the food?" He asks. I nod. "Very much. I've never eaten here before, and I'm enjoying it." I say taking a big bite of some kind of Mac and Cheese that was absolutely delicious. He smiles bigger. "I'm glad you like it Elizabeth.."

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