Chapter 2

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I lounge on the couch and lean against his body as we watch a scary movie. Mittens is curled up on my lap. I feel myself jump as the people in the film scream, catching me by surprise. I hear Yoongi chuckling. I look at him, "Hey! What are you laughing at huh?" I ask smacking his chest lightly. He looks at me and wipes his smile away with his hand, acting as if he had food around his mouth.. Or the way a man would pet his mustache or beard.

"Nothing.. Just that this movie isn't really that scary.. They're all scared of a toy? I don't get American horror films." He says. I shrug and begin petting Mittens. "American films is all I have to remind me of my other half.. But I guess.. The movie is stupid. I just wish I was macho like you Min Yoongi." I say nudging him with my shoulder. I feel his gaze, I finally look at him and our eyes lock.

The light from the television makes his face look sweet, like he was blushing.. Or maybe he was. "You're much stronger than you know Elizabeth.." He says. I feel my face heat up real quick. "And if you don't feel strong.. You have me." He says, swinging a arm over my shoulder and pulls me close to him. Mittens jumps off my lap and lays on his favorite blanket in his corner of the living room, indicating he's going to sleep.

I curl my legs up to my stomach and lean my face against his chest, he's warm and cozy. "Thank you Min Yoongi... You're the best.." I whisper as I feel drowsiness take over me, the comfort he's giving me doesn't help either. Its making it hard for me to stay awake. He pulls me a little closer to him, "You're welcome Elizabeth.." He whispers, as I think he notices that I'm falling asleep.

I feel him move, I pull onto his shirt. "Nooo.. Don't.. Don't leave.." I whisper, my lids becoming heavy. "Never..." He says as he begins to run his hand up and down my back. "Good night.. Elizabeth.. I l-.." I fall asleep before I can hear what he was saying.


The light from my living room window wakens me as it forces my eyes to open. I'm on the couch.. In his arms. I look around making sure not to move my head too much, I'm still against his chest. I'm covered with his coat, and his arm snug around my body. Great. How am I going to get out of this? I ask myself as I see my situation.

He's fast asleep, his head thrown back with his bangs sticking up. I some how slip out of his grip. I wash up really quick and grab a pillow and a blanket. I know he won't wake up because he's a heavy sleeper. I place the pillow on the end of the couch. I try to push him so that he can lay down, but I'm such a weak person. Gosh I need to hit the gym. I sit on the couch and pull him, which is easier.

This was a good but horrible idea, good.. Because I got him to lay down. Horrible, because now he's laying on top of me. My head is on the pillow I brought for him, and his head is on my stomach. Its giving me a weird feeling in my gut, I can't explain it. I should try to move so that he can sleep comfortably. I think.

I move one inch, trying to get out from under him but he grunts and wraps his arms around my waist. Great!. Just great! How you gonna get out of this now? Huh? This is so awkward. God this is so awkward, I can say it a million times. As I lay there.. With Min Yoongi on my stomach sleeping soundly, I can't help but stare at him. He looks so cute, like a little puppy.

I end up falling asleep, there was no use of trying to get out of his tight grasp.


"Elizabeth?" I hear him call me, I right away wake up. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Huh?" I ask in a tired tone, adjusting my eyes on his body that's slouched. "What happened?" He ask with his eyes closed. "What do you mean?" I ask. He looks at me, his eyes puffy. "Why was I laying on you?" He asks. I pick up the blanket that layed on the floor and started to fold it.

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