Chapter 19

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Jennie's POV

"I'll be right back." He says getting off the couch and walking over to the door. I watch him open it, I didn't hear anything. No talking, the door covered my view of him. I felt like something was wrong. I get up from the couch, and I'm about to go see what was wrong but I hear a familiar voice.

"Check if she's here. I know they left together." I take off my heels and run over to the kitchen. I look around for a hiding spot. I see a cupboard and open it slow, but I hear it creaking so I open it faster. I climb inside and close the door and I'm in darkness. I hold onto my heels, close to my chest. I shut my eyes tight and started to pray that Yoongi would be okay, even though that wasn't possible if he was with Yoon.

"She isn't here boss." I hear. "Fine. Let's just leave then. She's probably with her group." Yoon says. Its silent for a while. "Boss.. This. Guy. Is heavy." A man says out of breath. "Stop being a weak link." Yoon says. "Okay. So. We have to make sure we don't get seen, cause the plan will be ruined." I hear Yoon. "If he thinks he could just cost me my job, and walk away without a scratch, he's wrong." He says.

I hear the door close and I'm left in silence. I calm my breathing and wait to hear a car. When I do, I get out of the cupboard. I look around the room, cautiously. I hear the door swing open and it was too fast to duck for cover. "He knew you'd be here!" He was a young man, around my age.

He had a black beanie on, and a black face mask on. He walks up to me and I throw one of my heels at him. It hits him in the face and I run for Yoongi's room, I know he had a window that led the the fire escape. "Come here you Bitch." He says as he runs over to me. He grabs me by the waist and throws me down. He sits on top of me, pulling down his face mask. "Wow. Mr. Yoon never told me how pretty you were." I squirm underneath him, but he didn't seem fazed.

"How about we undo this." He unbuttons the top of my dress shirt. I push and shove him trying my best to get him off of me. I knew screaming wouldn't help because there wasn't anyone else in the building. Yoongi and I were the only ones here, now just this guy and I. "Mmm.. I don't think just one button would help." He yanks on my shirt breaking all the buttons. He holds down my arms, but I don't give up, I kick my legs around. Tears were in my eyes.

"Oh. Yeah. You're really pretty." He scans my body. He leans in and presses his lips against mine, I turn my head to the side. He sits up and starts to undo his pants. I pull up my knee and I succeed in hitting him in the groin. He falls to the side and groans. I get up and run towards the front door. "You fucken bitch!" He groans and grabs my ankle, causing me to fall on my face. I can hear a crack of my nose breaking as it hits the hard wood floors at great impact.

He pulls me towards him. "Now you're really going to get it." The blood from my nose drips on the floor. I look around quick. I spot the heel I had thrown at him earlier. I look back at him and kick my other foot at his face. I inch away real quick before he grabs me again. I grab the heel and stab it into his hand as hard as I can. With success, the heel stabs into his hand causing him to let me go right away, hollering in pain and I shoot up towards the door.

I successfully make it out of Yoongi's apartment. I run for the elevator. It comes up and I hear the guy coming for me. I hurry into the elevator and push the button for to the loby. "Hey! Come back!" He yells holding his hand as he comes into view. I push quickly on the button to close the doors of the elevator. He runs up to the door but it closes before he can make it.

I catch my breath and I look down at my shirt. All the buttons were broken except for one at the top. I button it and tuck in the rest of the shirt into my dress pants. I look up and run out of the elevator. There's no one at the front desk. So it must have been easy for Yoon to take Yoongi. I run up to the back of the desk, grab the phone and dial 911. "I'm trying to buy you some time Yoongi." I whisper.

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