Chapter 12

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listen to this song while you read this chapter. It'll give you the feels more. But you don't have to if you don't want to :) okay? Sorry. I just like to make y'all cry hehehe. Okay! Proceed.

Yoongi's POV

I get up and walk towards the pounding on the door. "Min Yoongi!!" She screams. "I know you're in there!! I see your car in the parking lot!" She yells, it sounded like she was hurting her throat. I stare at her from the small window on the door. She looked so mad, the rain made her clothes cling to her body tightly. Her hair sticking to her face.

"How could you do this to me.. Min Yoongi?" She asks, her tone settling down. I felt a wave of guilt run through my body. "How can you just go off and say those things. Not even caring about what I feel for you." But I did, I did care what she felt. She doesn't understand that I did this to save her, so that she can be safe. "I love you so much Min Yoongi.. And you just walk away from me, from us." My chest hurts, I felt my eyes burning. So much I wanted to open this door, kiss her passionately, and never let her go.

I wanted so badly to take back all that I had said yesterday, to bring her back into my life the way she was supposed to be. With her under my arm, with me loving her unconditionally. Loving her like I've ever loved her before. Like today was the last day of my life.

Maybe I shouldn't care what Mr. Yoon says, he's not my father. Maybe I should just take the consequences as they come. As long as I'd have her right? Min Yoongi, stop being a wimp and do what you want! Go out there and claim your girl. My thoughts were right. I set my hand on the knob ready to go outside and end this once and for all. She stops crying, and takes a step back. "Min Yoongi, I forgot my-" just when I thought things could get better, they get worse. It was my manager, maybe God was giving me a sign that I'm not supposed to go back to Elizabeth. That it's supposed to be this way. I take my hand off the knob.

"Ugh. Its you. What are you doing here?" He asks from under a umbrella. I hated him so much. I wanted to punch him in the face. "I need answers from Min Yoongi. Nothing that concerns you." She says. He rolls his eyes. "You're so ignorant and stupid. Why can't you realize that Min Yoongi has moved on? He doesn't need you anymore. He's got a real girl now, everything he rightfully needs, unlike you." I wish I could stand up for myself and stop being so defenseless. But I'm too much of a wimp.

"No. I have a hunch that Min Yoongi still-" ,"You're such a stupid piece of trash!!! He doesn't love you anymore!!" He screams. My tears finally run down my cheeks. I can't believe he's telling her all this, this isn't true. These aren't my feelings towards her. I love her so much it literally kills me to be standing here right now. But yet, I don't have the strength to do a thing. "It's all your fault. Isn't it? Just a couple days ago Yoongi stood up for me from you. Because he loves me. You can't just wake up the next morning emotionless before we went to bed the night before... We-" ,"Blah blah blah. You're really stupid you know that? You need to grow up and realize that Yoongi doesn't care about you anymore." Mr. Yoon says.

5/11 Save Me || m.yg ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora