Chapter 18

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Elisabeth's POV

I felt bad that I wasn't so happy as I intended to be with Jason at this moment. I couldn't stop thinking about Min Yoongi. I should have listened to what he had to say instead of pushing him away. Everything Jason had said on the way over to the restaurant, really made me think.

"You haven't said a word since we've ordered." He says. "I'm sorry.." I say. "No. Don't apologize. I get it.. You must have a lot going on in your head." He says. "You're real boyfriend goals you know that?" I ask. He laughs. "What the hell is that?" He asks. I smile. "Its what girls say when a boy does or says something that they'd like their boyfriend or future boyfriend to do or say. So its goals." I nod.

He chuckles. "I am definitely not.. Boyfriend.. Goals?" He looks confused and it was adorable. "Yes you are Jason." I say. He smiles. "Oh stop." I chuckle and continue to eat my food. I slowly look up at him. "Do you think Min Yoongi would really take me back." And there was something in his eyes. It was possibly something I'd never figure out, because it has been there since the three months he was with me.

I had wished I knew what was going on in his head. "He'd be stupid not to." He says. My eyebrows knit. "Would you take me back if you were him?" I ask. He bites his lip, as if trying to force back words. "In a heart beat." I'm taken back by his response. Why would he say that? "But.. Even if I was a complete bitch to your face?" I ask. He shrugs and runs his fingers through his hair. "The heart wants what it wants." He says.

I knew there was something he wasn't telling me. "Your words not Selena Gomez's words." He chuckles. "I mean Elizabeth its obvious. If I were in this situation, in Min Yoongi's spot. If I hurt you, then came back.. I'd expect you to be a bitch towards me." My eyebrows knit. "He obviously came back to clear something up." He says. He was right. "I'm sorry my heart is stupid and can't make up its mind." I say.

He grins. "No. Don't apologize." He says. He chuckles. "You really need to be less apologetic. Stop apologizing for things that are out of your control." He stares into my eyes. "A cake for the birthday girl." One of the employees says walking over with a small vanilla cake. I look at Jason, he just smiles at me. A smile crosses my face.

Jason's POV

She's beautiful, she'd always be beautiful.. How could she not be? This was how I'd have to remember her. How I'd want to remember her. Like this, with us together and her happy. Unaware of what would soon be.

The employee sets the cake in front of her. A confetti cake with vanilla frosting, her favorite. I'd dare not get her chocolate, she absolutely hated it. She'd eat a chocolate bar, never chocolate cake. She looks up at me, the dim light from the restaurant gave her cheeks a slight shadow. I felt my breath hitch. How my heart pounded for her.

"I love you Jason." My heart stops. "Excuse me?" I ask. She chuckles. "I said I love it Jason." I let out a breath, I was hearing things. "I'm glad you do." I smile. She looks down at the small pink lit candle. "Aren't you going to make a wish?" I ask. She bites her glossy lip. "I don't know what to wish for.." She says. Its quiet, but I didn't care, I could just stare at her all day.

"Bring your chair over here so we can take a picture." She finally says. I stand up and bring my chair next to hers. I set it down and she pulls my chair until the side of my seat is against hers. She looks at me, I must have looked clueless. She smiles and pulls my arm.

I stumble into my seat. She pulls my coat and brings my body against hers. My heart was pounding so hard I can hear it in my ears. She adjusts her phone in front of us. I look at her face on the screen, she looked so happy. A small smile creeping on my face. "Smile Jason." She throws her arm over my shoulder and uses her hand to pull my face next to hers.

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