Smirking, Athena took her challenge as they crossed fists and blades once again; she was thrilled at the thought of a prey of that was difficult to kill, fuelling her lust for blood. As she fought with him, Oriana once again morphed into a dragon, hoping to quell the monstrous soul devourer before them; it was a problem they wanted to prevent, yet it was staring them in the eyes and mocked them.

"Kid," Scott spoke as he turned to Hailey, who remained deep in focus, just as Oriana tried to sway the beast, but her attempts were futile, "I don't wish to alarm you, but we don't have a lot of time here whilst you sit there thinking of who your penpal is!"

"I'm sorry, but it's not that easy to think of a person who knows how to close this," Hailey replied calmly as Scott tried not to pull his hair out of his already deceased spirit, "I don't know anyone who knows about this gate."

"Then think of the first person that comes into your mind when you hear the word 'gate'!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"What just happened?"

"I don't know, a gash suddenly tore through her chest!"

"Everyone back away now!"

Frantic, Cecilia immediately chanted a healing spell on Katherine, whose footing suddenly staggered and caused her to fall on one knee; blood escaped her open wound like a waterfall as Cecilia patched it up to close immediately. Both of them did not know what happened; the doctor had just finished chanting a spell on Cecilia as she awoke a few moments after, then all of a sudden, Katherine growled with a hand on her chest.

"Kathie, are you okay?" Cecilia queried as worry drifted on her tone.

Groaning, Katherine slowly stood up as she looked at her bloodied palm, "I... don't know," she whispered with a bit of confusion in her tone as Cecilia examined her thoroughly, "I just felt like a sword went right through me for no reason."

"How is that even possible?" Cecilia questioned with a raised brow, "We're in a sealed area – barriers all around us – no chant can pierce this barrier."

Katherine shook her head, "I honestly don't know, Cecil," she looked away as she tried held her chest where the wound was, "But we don't have time for this," she told her as she began walking back to the exit just as the students around her began to clear a path, "We need to go, now."

"I'm right behind you," Cecilia nodded as they noticed Art in the crowd, who merely gave them a small smile as if to tell them he was worried and now glad they were fine, "We need to get to Athena."

Katherine nodded, "Alright, I need to relay something important to her."

"What is it?" Cecilia asked as she tilted her head just as they got in the tunnel that led to the exit where Ford was.

Katherine opened her mouth to speak, but before words could even come out, the earth shook tremendously; a loud shrill cry echoed through the tunnel walls as much as the two of them could hear Ford frantically giving orders to his men. The earth stood still as the cavern walls began to quiver as though being hit by a bat; Cecilia and Katherine did not let a moment go by as they rushed outside and had their eyes widen at the sight of a humongous winged skeletal figure.

"Everyone retreat behind the barrier!" Ford commanded his men, who obeyed without question; Alexis provided them cover as she dispatched those who tried to snatch them away into the sky. The skeletal figure drew closer and with each step it did, the ground trembled at its monstrous size; Cecilia quickly chanted more barriers around the pit, hoping that this being would not be able to break it. "Alexis, fall back!"

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