A Ballad for the Moon

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"You look amazingly happy, nearly giddy."

"Do I?"

"You've had that nostalgic smile on your lips for about an hour now?"

"Why are you even counting?"

Ori merely laughed at her question as Katherine raised a brow with a frown upon her lips; she did not appreciate her friend's humour in her feelings. Was I really? she thought as she stabbed the chicken nugget and brought it upon her lips.

Taking a small bite, her mind drifted off to her family that was here; even though the sun has already risen, they were still in their beds. Katherine could only guess what they have been doing all night; hopefully, something productive and not their usual late night getaways.

As she took another bite out of her nugget, she felt a pair of arms drape over her shoulder; she did not move and just kept chewing as she smelt the familiar scent of chocolate behind her, certain that it was who she thought it was.

"Wolfie," she heard a whisper as she felt her vein pop, "Let me move in with you."

Katherine hummed, "And why should I agree to that?"

"Because you love me?" Hailey pouted as she rested her chin on Katherine's shoulders; her soft blonde hair nearly tickled her skin as she wrapped her arms around the wolf.

Katherine turned to her, "Hardly a reason for me to agree."

"But but," she nearly whimpered next to her ear as Katherine felt her throat quiver against her own shoulder, "I thought you're my friend?"

Katherine gently released her arms around her, "We are, but I don't want a roommate."

Defeated, Hailey frowned and sat next to her, then rested her head on the table; she was disappointed by Katherine's response, but somehow she knew that she would not even agree. Hailey was certain that Katherine did not know of her detention, but a part of her had no reason to tell her.

Should she tell her, she was certain that Katherine would once again bear the guilt inside her and she did not want that at all; she rather bear the blame than pass it to someone else. It was partly her fault that that had happened, but she even so, Katherine does not seem to understand it yet.

"Here," Katherine spoke as she brought the plate closer to Hailey, "Have something to eat."

"How come you never offered me food?" Ori questioned with a raised brow and a knowing look.

"You were early," Katherine replied as Hailey looked at her food, "She just got here."

"Hardly a reason for you not to," Ori smirked as Katherine just raised a brow at her, "Well, you guys look cute anyway."

A dash of crimson fell upon Katherine's cheeks as she suddenly pulled her plate away as Hailey grinned as much as Ori did. Cute, the duo thought as she stared at the red wolf, who seemed to have lowered her gaze and resumed eating.

"Whatever," Katherine spoke as she kept her eyes away from them, "Go get your own food, fae."

Hailey frowned at Ori, "See what you did?"

"I accept the blame," Ori giggled as Hailey just chuckled; both of them found Katherine too amusing to fight over. Katherine ignored them for a few minutes as she gobbled down her food; she did not waste a single bite and even cleared her plate to the brim.

Standing up, she walked to the return station and left her tray there; there were a few staff people who were here on the weekends, even though they should be home. It made her wonder if she can volunteer herself to do some work as her domesticated self, sprung out and thought of even mopping the room.

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