I had managed to make it through four periods, my stomach grumbling throughout every block. The Pop Tart I had obviously wasn't enough, and now I was paying for it. Walking into the commons, I searched through my bag for two dollars to get my lunch. I shifted things around, pulling pens and pencils out, even notebooks. I cursed to myself, as I realized that I forgot my money at home. My stomach grumbled, and I sighed. I remembered the time when I forgot my money at home. I thought I was going to be alright, but about two blocks later, during transitioning, I had passed out. 

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I was greeted with a warm smile. Josiah stood in front of me, one of his hands tucked intot he pocket of his pants. They were kind of baggy, the seat of the pants having a paisley pattern. I noticed that he was wearing a nuscle shirt, and I raised my eyebrows. It wasn't hot enough to go without sleeves today, and I wondered how he wasn't the least bit cold. "Hi Josiah," I tried to muster a smile for him, but rumbling of my stomach left me unable to. He frowned, and took my hand. "I see that you don't have your snack today, so I'll buy you lunch," he grinned. 

Like the first time, we skipped people in the line that were too busy talking to other people. Today's food smelled delicious. I decided to get a burger, and their good fries, once again. Josiah picked the same thing, and we walked out, to sit under my tree. I was surprised that the ground around the tree wasn't wet, but just incase, I sat on my bag. Digging in, Josiah watched me, a grin making it's way across his tan cheeks. "What?" I asked him, swallowing the food down. 

He shook his head, "Who gave you that bag?"

I sensed a hint of..jealousy, maybe? But I shrugged it off. Maybe I was just hearing things. "Joshua, you know him, right?" I told him, placing a fry in my mouth. He nodded, "Yeah, it's cute, for you." I smiled at him, "Thanks, Josiah." 

For the rest of our lunch period, Josiah and I talked about anything and everything. I found out that he had a passion for punk rock music, his favorite artists plastered around his room. He also likes to steer away from the crowd, being what he calls a "misfit". He said that he does art too, and that he would show me when I went over to his house. I didn't forget to him that Joshua had to tag along, and he didn't have a problem with it, surprisingly. 

Lunch had ended, and Josiah and I dumped our things in the trash bin as we entered the school building. We walked together to class, and talked more about what we liked. We had so much in common, it was kind of like he was my other half. Talking to him was so easy..I didn't feel like I had to say anything to impress him. He was really sweet, and I was beginning to think that I had a new friend. But then I started to panic. I was going to his house later on. My heart began to race, and I bit down on my lip. What if he figured out that I was a Wilt? Maybe I was stressing too much over this..he's a nice person, maybe he wouldn't care if I was a Wilt? 

But some of the nicest people don't accept everything that's thrown at them.. 

Joshua tapped my hand, looking at me. His eyebrow was raised, and I shook my head. "I'm fine," I told him, trying my best to pay attention to Mr. Barrow, who was going on and on about something that has to deal with Science. Looking across the class, most of them weren't even listening, the sound of Mr. Barrow's ever so boring voice sending them into a deep slumber. Even Josiah was asleep, his head leaned against the wall, his mouth slightly open. I sighed, rubbing my eyes. I didn't blame them for going to sleep, it was almost impossible to stay awake during his class. I often wondered if Mr. Barrow bore himself, maybe even making himself fall asleep? I yawned, beginning to doodle on the blank page of my notebook. 

Before I knew it, class was over, and the students who were asleep woke almost on cue with the bell. Joshua and I headed to our last class of the day, and I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I was dreading the part of the day that normally made me happy. Maybe it was just nerves? Yeah, it was definitely nerves. I found myself glancing at the clock all throughout class, my whole body beginning to get hot. What if I messed up over at Josiah's? What if I messed up badly? So bad that he never wanted to see me again? 

I sighed deeply, taking one of the question packets that were being passed around. I flipped through the booklet, my heart sinking to my stomach while I read over the questions. Some of these were personal..and made you have to think. I was going to have to lie on some of these questions, most definitely.. 

Most memorable thing about your parents?

How would you describe where you live, currently? 

How do you think people see you?

I gulped, barely being able to pay attention during the rest of class over the sound of my heart pounding in my chest. I felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, and onto the desk, on display for everyone to see. I really wish that I was having an outer body experience, because when that bell rang, I think that I'm going to have a heart attack. 

"Okay class, I'll see you tomorrow! Don't forget to work with your partner, hopefully some of you have made plans to meet up!"

Everyone began to leave class, and my eyes fell upon Josiah, who was placing his things in his bag. 

I'm sorry that I'm going to have to lie to you, Josiah.

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