Chapter 39

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*Niall's POV*

I was awoken by shuffling in the bed. I woke up confused. Why was someone in a bed with me? I fluttered my eyes open and frowned when I saw a girl wrapped in my arms. My eyes widened.

Tell me I didn't get drunk last night and bring a girl home. I could never do that to Tessa. I went to unwrap my arms from her but froze, my whole body tensing up when she started talking in her sleep.

"No, no, come back to me. Don't leave me. Please. I have nothing anymore without you. Niall please..."

I knew that voice. It was the voice I had dreamt about every night the past year. It was Tessa. A smile grew on my face and I wrapped my arms tighter around her, pulling her into my chest. She snuggled her head into me and it was quiet. But soon the room was filled with muffled sobs and my chest grew wet.

My eyes shot open and I looked down at the girl sobbing into my arms in her sleep. How had I managed to break the one girl I loved more than anything? The person in my arms wasn't the strong girl who had survived her depression. She wasn't the girl that had taught me how to hang a spoon off my nose. This girl was broken and I didn't know what to do about it.

I was the cause of this. She was kicked out of her house. Her mother hated her. She almost got raped last night. And it was all because of me. I brought my hand up and started playing with her hair.

A tune started playing in my head and I couldn't help but hum along. Sooner or later, I started softly singing the words to Little Things and she immediately stopped crying. Even in her sleep, Little Things saved her.

I softly kissed her forehead and closed my eyes, sleep taking over me.

I awoke to a loud bang and immediately shot up. I looked around me on the bed, not finding the girl I had grown so in love with. It was all a dream. I frowned and ran my fingers through my hair, tears blurring my vision.

Why did I agree with the boys to go to a club that night? Why did I let myself get drunk? Why did I fucking cheat on the love of my life with Ellie Goulding?

I heard another bang and wiped my tears away, realizing there was someone in my hotel room. I got out of bed and let out a shaky breath, moving towards the noise. I peeked around the corner of the door and spotted a dark figure making their way towards the door.

That's when I realized last night wasn't a dream. Tessa was here. And now she was trying to run out on me. I flipped the lights on and she froze, stopping her walking. I continued over to where she was standing, stopping in front of her. She looked down at the ground, playing with her fingers.

"Were you really going to leave before I woke up?"

She just kept her gaze on the ground, not saying anything. Now that I think of it, the only time I had heard her talk was when she was sleeping.

"What's going on Tessa? You're not leaving this hotel room until you tell me what happened yesterday."

She didn't say anything once again; she just shuffled past me back to the bedroom. I let out a frustrated sigh and sat down at the kitchen table, resting my head in my hands. I banged my fist down and stood up, going into the bedroom.

Tessa was perched on the balcony, a pen and paper in her hands, writing something. I cautiously walked over to door leading outside and leaned in the doorway. She didn't glance my way she just kept writing, obviously very focused in whatever she was writing.

I heard a sniffle and saw a tear fall off her cheek, landing on the paper. She wiped it away, making sure it didn't smear the writing before continuing. When another one almost fell she caught it with the sleeve on my shirt she was wearing.

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