Chapter 31

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"Babe, babe wake up."

I groaned and swatted the person's hand away, reaching out to find Niall and frowning when all I found was a pillow. I pulled it closer to me anyways and snuggled up with it, trying to fall back asleep.

I heard a quiet chuckle and couldn't help when a smile made its way across my face. I fluttered my eyes open to find Niall crouched by the side of my bed, staring at me.

"Can I help you with something, pop star?"

He smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss. He stopped, right in front of my face, puckering his lips with his eyes closed. I giggled and leaned in the rest of the way until my lips met his. He pulled away with a smile on his face but frowned.

"Um, Paul just booked me a flight home. I have to leave in a half hour to go to the airport."

 I frowned and scooted over in the bed the best I could without hurting myself.

"Then why are you not laying with me? We still have a half hour."

He nodded and kicked his shoes off, crawling next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gently pulled me closer to him, leaning in to kiss me again. When his lips met mine, I couldn't have been happier. Niall made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

I felt his tongue on my bottom lip and pulled away, too tired for anything else. He rested his forehead on mine and I smiled, pecking his lips quickly.

"I love you, Ni."

"I love you too, Tess."

I snuggled into his chest and just listened to his steady heartbeat. After a moment of silence, I started tracing patterns on his chest with my fingertips, causing his heart rate to speed up.

"Sing to me?"

My voice was slightly muffled and Niall clearly couldn't understand me seeing as he didn't say anything. I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest to see him with a confused look on his face.

"Sorry babe, I couldn't hear you."

"Will you sing for me?"

He laughed and tightened his grip on me, kissing my forehead.

"You hear me sing all the time."

I shrugged and smiled up at him.

"You hear me talk all the time, does that mean you want me to not talk to you?"

He rolled his eyes.

"That didn't even make sense."

"Just sing, okay?"

He laughed and kissed my nose.

"Anything for you, princess."

"That's not what you were saying five minutes ago."

He rolled his eyes and I lay my head on his chest once more. After a moment of silence, he broke it with his angelic voice, surprising me a bit.

"I should ink my skin with your name
And take my passport out again
And just replace it
See I could do without a tan
On my left hand,
Where my fourth finger meets my knuckle
And I should run you a hot bath
And fill it up with bubbles

'Cause maybe you're loveable
And maybe you're my snowflake
And your eyes turn from green to gray
In the winter I'll hold you in a cold place
And you should never cut your hair
'Cause I love the way you flick it off your shoulder

And you will never know
Just how beautiful you are to me
But maybe I'm just in love
When you wake me up
And now I always been shit at computer games
And your brother always beats me
And if I lost, I'd go across and chuck all the controllers at the TV
And then you'd laugh at me
And be asking me
If I'm gonna be home next week
And then you'd lie with me 'til I fall asleep
And flutter eye lash on my cheek between the sheets

And you will never know
Just how beautiful you are to me
But maybe I'm just in love
When you wake me up

And I think you hate the smell of smoke
You always try to get me to stop
But you drink as much as me
And I get drunk a lot
So I'll take you to the beach
And walk along the sand
And I'll make you a heart pendant
With a pebble held in my hand
And I'll carve it like a necklace
So the heart falls where your chest is
And now a piece of me is a piece of the beach
And it falls just where it needs to be
And rests peacefully
So you just need to breathe
To feel my heart against yours now, against yours now

'Cause maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up
Or maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up
Maybe I fell in love when you woke me up"

I opened my eyes when he was done singing and looked up at him, the ghost of a smile on my face.

"I love you Niall, so much."

"I'll love you forever, Tessa."

He leaned in and kissed me. Our cute moment was ruined when Niall's phone started ringing. He groaned and pulled away, grabbing it. He sighed when he saw it was his alarm.

"Half hour is up babe, I have to get home."

I groaned and held him tighter, not letting him move.

"Stay with me, please?"

"I would if I could, Tess. You know that."

"Can I at least come to the airport with you?"

"And drive home? As much as I would want you to, there's no way you can drive in this condition."

"Austin could take us."

"He's at college Tessa."

"What about my mom?"

"We both know she would never do that."

He looked down and suddenly found the sheets very interesting.

"She loved you before, Niall. I know she'll love you again. She's not mad at you, she's mad at what happened."

He shook his head and looked up at me, worry in his eyes.

"You didn't have to sit there and hear her cry Tess. She'll never forgive me. I blew it..."

I lifted up his chin and slightly smiled at him, leaning in and kissing his perfect pink lips.

"If she sees how happy you make me, she won't be mad for long Niall. I can promise you that."

He scooped me up in his arms and stood up, setting me down on the bed once more.

"I'll miss you Tessa. I'll miss you so much."

Tears sprung in my eyes and I hurried up to wipe them away before Niall saw. I looked up at him and he frowned.

"When will I see you again, Niall?"

"I wish I knew babe."

He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead before grabbing his suitcase.

"I love you Tessa."

"I love you to Niall, till forever."

He smiled at me one last time before walking out of my room. I lay down and let the first tear slip. No one understands how much I miss that boy when he's away; No one.

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