Chapter 32

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My alarm went off and I sighed, rolling out of bed. Everything had healed; I was going to the hospital in a few days so they could check over everything and make sure I was all set.

Niall had left to go back home about a month ago. We still talk every once in a while but not as much as we used to. I understand that he was busy with the new album but shouldn't he have more spare time now than he did when he was on tour? Then again, we are in different time zones.

I sighed and walked down the hall before stopping, hearing hushed voices from my mom's room. Her feelings towards Niall hadn't changed and every time she heard his name either from me, or in the public, she would roll her eyes and instantly get in this pissed off mood. It was so fricken annoying and I was sick of it. Did you she really hate him that much?

I slowly crept closer to her closed door and rested my ear on it, trying to hear what she and Austin were talking about.

"I always knew there was something shady about him; Mother's intuition. Wait until Tess hears about this, she'll be crushed."

"Mom, let her find out on her own, she's gone through a lot in the past month and we can't just drop a bomb like this."

"So we're going to let her continue to love an unfaithful guy! Austin, we can't do that."

I rolled my eyes and let out an angry puff of air, bursting through the door and storming up to them.

"I've fucking had enough of this shit! I LOVE Niall! Is that too much to understand?! Stop trying to break us up! He loves me and I love him. End of the fucking story. He makes me happy and you clearly can't see that. He's the only thing that keeps me sane mom! You wouldn't understand since Dad hates you. You're the reason he's in the fucking army. So he doesn't have to sit around and listen to you bitch all day!"

She sighed and looked down, sniffling before handing me something and smiling at me sadly, tears in her eyes.

"Just looking out for you sweetie, that's all."

She left the room and Austin followed, shaking his head at me. I glanced down at the magazine and frowned, tears instantly filling my eyes. I let out a sob and clutched the magazine tighter in my hands. I ran to my room and shut the door, throwing the magazine at the ground.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Amy's number. I need someone to talk to about this. If I keep it bottled up, I'll go insane. The ringing was instantly cut off, showing she rejected my call.

I looked through all my contacts and sighed. There was only one person I could call about this. The tears blurred my vision as I held the phone up to my ear, praying that he would answer. I heard the click and soft breathing before a muffled hello.

"Can you come over? Please, hurry."

He mumbled an I'll be there soon and hung up the phone. I sat on my bed, not knowing what to do while hot tears rolled down my face. A sob racked through my chest and I pulled my knees up to my neck, curling in a ball.

I glared at the cover of the magazine, suddenly furious at it. How dare they flaunt that like it's a game show of "How fast can Niall Horan break fragile Tessa Riley?" I stormed over to it, ripping the magazine up into a million tiny little pieces.

I screamed and walked over to my dresser where frames off Niall and I sat. I picked them up and threw them on the ground, shattering the glass. I looked around at the mess I had made of my room. Everything was broken, a perfect example of how I felt, broken.

I bent down and picked up one of the pictures of me and him. He was making a funny face while I was looked at him with so much love and adoration in my eyes. I collapsed on the floor, in the pile of broken glass, the picture gripped tight in my hands.

I heard a knock on the door but I was crying too hard to care. It was pushed open and Brad took one look at me, with sadness in his eyes before slowly walking over to me. He tried to grab the picture out of my hands but my grip on it tightened. He pulled harder making me cry harder. He gave up and scooped me up in his arms, sighing when he saw my leg was bleeding from the glass.

He carried me to the bathroom and set me down on the toilet. He cleaned my cut while I just sat there and cried. He frowned down at me and wiped a tear away with his thumb. He picked me up once more and carried me over to my bed, placing me in it before crawling in as well, pulling me closer to him.

"What did he do this time, Tess?"

I shook my head and gripped the picture of us tighter, hiccupping due to my heavy crying.

"He keeps hurting you Tessa. It's not good. You almost died last time. This relationship isn't healthy."

I scoffed and wiped away my tears angrily.

"What relationship?!"

I look down at the picture of us and scoffed once again.

"He never looked at me like that, and he never will."

I ripped it down the middle, me on one side, him on the other. I threw it on the ground and wiped away my tears sighing and looking up at Brad.

"He cheated on me B... with Ellie Goulding."

He shook his head, sorrow in his eyes.

"You don't deserve that Tess, you don't. You deserve someone who was there for you from the start; who isn't across the ocean. You deserve someone who doesn't hurt you all the time. You're too good for him Tess, when will you realize that?"

He cupped my face in his hands, brushing away my tears. He leaned in and fluttered his eyes closed. When his lips touched mine, I finally realized what he was doing and my eyes widened in fear. I shoved him away and stood up, practically sprinting to the other side of the room.

"What the fuck Brad?!"

He sighed and looked down, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"I know you just broke up and it's a little soon but I've liked your for so long, I just thought-."

"Well you thought wrong! Niall and I haven't even officially broken up yet! And as for me and you, we're just friends Brad, nothing more. You know that."

"Yeah well I don't know if I can keep up the whole "just friends" thing anymore Tess!"

And with that he stormed out of my room. I didn't do anything; I just stared at the ground. I can't handle this right now. I can't handle any of this right now.

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