Chapter 35

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When my alarm went off the next morning I felt like death. My back ached from being slammed against the locker. My eyes were sore and irritated from crying and to top it off, my head hurt like hell.

I groaned and rolled out of bed, quickly throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I slid my glasses on my nose and walked out of my bedroom, stumbling down the stairs in the process.

I rubbed at my eyes underneath my glasses and opened the kitchen cabinet, searching for the Motrin. I finally found them and poured out two, popping them in my mouth and throwing my head back, swallowing them.

 I looked around for my backpack, wanting to start on my homework for Monday but I sighed when I couldn't find it. I looked in the living room and basically tore my room apart trying to find it. I flopped down on my bed and let out a groan of defeat. I squeezed my eyes shut and raked my brain trying to remember where I left it. I basically shot off the bed when I remembered it was still in my car.

I jumped down the remaining two steps into my kitchen and grabbed my keys off the rack, walking to the front door. I opened it and unlocked my car. I walked out and shut the door behind me, jogging over to my car. I pulled Niall's hoodie closer to me and shivered at how cold it was outside. The ground was damp from the rain last night and I squealed, jumping in my car once I opened the door since I was only wearing socks. I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and climbed out of the car, locking it.

When I turned around to run back to my house I froze and my mouth dropped open. Sitting on my porch, his head slightly tilted to the side, leaning against the house was Niall shivering while he was sleeping. His clothes and hair were soaked from the rain. My porch wasn't covered so he had sat in the cold rain all night. My mouth opened and closed trying to form words but nothing came out.

Numbness crept in through my socks to my feet and knocked the sense back into me. I stormed over to him and stood directly in front of him, anger seeping through every pore in my body. I nudged his side with my foot, waiting for him to wake up. He stirred a bit and mumbled something before a soft quiet snore left his mouth.

My lips twitched up in a smile, tired Niall was a weakness of mine. I immediately realized what I was doing and my lips fell back into a straight line. I bet Ellie Goulding has also got to see tired Niall.

I kicked him a bit harder this time and he groaned in pain and his eyes fluttered open. His eyes started at my feet and worked their way up my body to my face. When he saw my blood shot eyes and tear stained cheeks he immediately frowned, shooting up from the ground.

"What's wrong princess?"

His voice was hoarse and he coughed making me frown.

"You're sick."

It came out barely louder than a whisper. He shook his head and frowned as well.

"No, I'm fine. Tell me what's wrong? Please, Tess?"

I shook my head again at him and walked over to the front door and opened it.

"Let's get you warmed up, okay?"

My voice was quiet and I didn't sound like myself. I sounded, well, broken. He didn't reply, he just shuffled in the house after me. I didn't glance back once; I just headed up the stairs to my room.

I set my bag down by my bed and threw my keys on my dresser before opening one of the drawers. I sifted through the multiple clothes Niall had left at my house and pulled out a pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt. I turned around and handed him the clothes, motioning to the bathroom.

"You can go shower if you want, since you're probably freezing."

He nodded and sighed, taking the clothes out of my hand and looking at the ground. He walked over to me and looked up, into my eyes. He softly kissed my cheek and slightly smiled.

"I missed you."

I nodded and looked down at the ground, breaking eye contact. He dropped his hand from my waist, silently walking into the bathroom. I heard the water turn on and took it as my cue to finally let the tears I'd been holding in since I saw him sitting on my porch fall. A sob fell from my lips and I slid into my bed, crying into my already tear soaked pillow.

He knew I would fall for his tricks. He knew that if I saw him on my porch and he was sick, I would have no choice but to let him in. It was his way of getting into my house so he could talk to me. I debated leaving the house so when he came back, I would be gone but didn't feel right about leaving him here by himself. Not like I trusted him at all. Who knows what he could do while I was gone.

I heard the water shut off but the tears wouldn't stop falling. I cried and cried and cried. I heard the door open and tried to muffle my sobs but I couldn't do it. I heard my name being called and quick footsteps over to me before the bed dipped down and I felt a hand rubbing my back.

"Shh, it's okay Tess."

I shimmied away from his grip and his brows furrowed in confusion.


I scrambled off the bed and stood there, breathing heavy looking at him with wide eyes, tears rushing down my face. I hurriedly wiped them away and cleared my throat, looking down at my hands.

"Do you, uh, want some t-tea?"

He took a step towards me and I took one back. His eyes held nothing but hurt.

"No, I want to talk about this, talk about us..."

"There's nothing to talk about, Niall. I'll be downstairs."

I brushed past him but right before I reached the door; his hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me back towards him. I was pressed up against him and I looked up into his blue eyes.

"You saw them, didn't you...?"

I immediately looked down at the ground, tears clouding my vision making everything blurry. I looked back up at him and a tear fell, which he immediately caught with his thumb.

"I just want to know why Niall... Was I not good enough?"

He shook his head and cupped my face with his hands.

"You're perfect, Tess. She came on to me!"

"That's why you're the one pressing her up against the car, right?"

He removed his hands from my face and ran them through his hair.

"Look Tess, I know I messed up but-."

"Yeah, you did."

And with that, I pushed away from him and walked down the stairs into the kitchen, wiping away the tears that were falling quickly down my face.

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