Chapter 11

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“Come with me?”

I looked up at Niall’s hopeless face on the screen in front of me and I sighed, looking down.

“Ni, you know I would love to go with you but, I’m just not ready for that yet.”

“I set that girl straight, Tess. I gave a whole speech about saying shit to our girlfriends and trust me, word spreads fast. My speech was everywhere that night. They won’t bother you. Please, Tessa.”

“But I’m not even your girlfriend and this stuff is already happening. It’s just hard for me to hear stuff like that about me.”

“You think I don’t know that? Please, Tessa. When’s the next time you’re going to see me?”

“I don’t know…”


“Ni, I have school on Monday.”

“You can miss one day!”

I sighed and looked up at him.

“If my plane crashes, I blame you.”

His smile spread across his face and he started giving me all the details.

“I’ll email you the plane tickets. Oh, and dress nice. It is an award show after all.”

He winked and blew me a kiss before ending the face time call. Was I really going to be 1/5 of the world’s biggest boy band’s date to the Teen Choice Awards?

I groaned and flopped back on my bed. I ran my fingers through my hair. What the hell was I going to wear?! I shot up and sped towards my closet. I frantically looked through it, pulling all my clothes out.

After sitting in a pile of my clothes for a half hour, I came to the conclusion that I had nothing to wear. I pulled my phone out and dialed Niall’s number. I put the phone up to my ear and he answered on the second ring.

“Please tell me you aren’t having second thoughts about this…”

I started picking at my bed sheets and sighed. He groaned and I rolled my eyes.

“Why do you want me there so bad anyways?”

“Tess, please tell me you’re joking? Why the hell wouldn’t I want you there? You’re the closest thing I’ve had to a girlfriend in 3 years now. I’ve basically become dependent on you. Besides, this is my last chance to see you before I have to go back to London. I need to take this opportunity.”

“Well Ni, I don’t have anything to wear and-.”

“And nothing! You’re coming to this award ceremony. You have school Friday but right when it gets out you’re flying out here. You can get your dress then. If you don’t know what to wear, just give me your size and I’ll have my stylists get something for you. When you come out here you can try it on and see if you like it, okay?”

I nodded but realized he couldn’t see me. I mumbled an okay and we said our goodbyes. Why am I doing this?

I walked downstairs and plopped on the couch, groaning. My brother switched the TV off and looked over at me.

“What’s wrong sugar plum?”

I rolled my eyes at what he called me but readjusted myself and let out a sigh.

“I’m going to California after school on Friday.”

My mom must’ve heard because she walked in the living room frowning.

“Wait, this Friday?”

“Yeah, why, is that problem?”

She opened her mouth to say something but Austin shot her a look and she closed it, shaking her head no.

She walked back out of the room to continue whatever it was she was doing before. Austin looked back over to me and smirked.

“Why did Niall invite you out there?”

“TCA’s, which stands for Teen Choice Awards if you didn’t know.”

He waved me off and rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m not dumb. That’s some pretty big shit. If he invited you to that he must really like you. Are you going to be okay with the hate from the fans?”

“I don’t know, honestly, I’m stressed. Ni said it shouldn’t be a problem though. Apparently he set the girls straight after the last time.”

He smirked at me and I gave him a confused look. He shrugged and turned the TV back on.

“You called him Ni. It’s just kind of funny how before when you called him that you were just a crazy fan, but now? It actually means something. Like a little pet name for your boyfriend, it’s cute.”

I laughed and stood up.

“Well, I’m going to go to sleep. It’s Wednesday so I have to pack tomorrow. God help me on Sunday.”

He laughed and shouted to me as I was walking up the stairs.

“I’ll pray for you!”

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