Chapter 27

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I heard a knock on my door and smiled, knowing it was probably Niall. I stood up and answered the door, smiling wide.

"Hey babe-."

Before I could even finish my sentence Niall was pushing passed me with all his luggage.

I shut the door and turned around confused. Niall was trying to control his breathing but it wasn't helping anything.

"Why are you pissed?"

"Why am I pissed!? Are you seriously asking me that right now?! Are you fucking serious Tess?!!?"

"Yes I'm fucking serious right now Niall!"

He grabbed his phone out, his hands shaking because he was so mad. He shoved it in my face and I grabbed it out of his hands so I could actually see it. On his phone screen was a picture of me and Brad.

"Niall please tell me this is a joke. You know I would never cheat on you."

"Do I?!"

"Brad's been my best friend since we were in diapers. You think because I'm suddenly dating you now I can't hang out with him. I though you trusted me? I-I thought you loved me?"

I was so hurt beyond belief right now. Tears started pooling in my eyes and I choked back a sob. Niall reached out for me but I took a step away, holding my hand out.


I wiped away my tears and walked up to my room. He followed me but I stopped at my door and turned around looking at him.

"The guest room is down the hall."

And with that I shut the door and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and didn't even care what I looked like. I threw my hair up and slipped on a pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt. I didn't bother with makeup since I knew I would cry it all off anyways. I put on my glasses and walked downstairs. Niall met me in the kitchen trying to talk to me but I ignored him.

"Babe, listen to me, I love you I do but I don't like you hanging around other guys I don't know. Something could happen; he could pull something on you. It's not you I don't trust, it's him. I'm saying this because I love you."

I rolled my eyes and frowned when I realized my car was still at school. My mom had left for work and I knew I would have to walk and be late. I grabbed my bag and opened the door, not saying one word to Niall.

I was surprised when I saw headlights in the driveway and almost smiled when I realized Brad remembered about my car, almost. Niall must've followed me out the door and seen Brad because I could feel the hate radiate off him. I started walking to the car and almost made it there without shedding a tear but Niall had to open his big fucking mouth.

"Yeah, now your secret boyfriend's here to pick you up for school! Fucking fantastic..."

My face changed into the ugliest crying faces I had ever seen and I flipped Niall off, not looking back at him. I got in the car, wiping my tears away and Brad looked over at me, worried. I made the mistake of looking up to Niall and I swear his face softened for a second upon seeing my tears.

Brad backed out of my driveway and drove around the corner before stopping the car and turning to face me.

"Tess what's wrong?"

I burst into sobs and curled in a ball on my seat.

"J-just take me to school. I h-have to see A-amy."

He nodded, hurt that I wouldn't tell him anything. I couldn't help it though. Was it really wrong of me to be hanging out with Brad while I was dating Niall? Brad's been my best friend for basically my whole life I can't just drop him. That's the bitchiest thing I could ever do, picking my boyfriend over my best friend. Would I really lose Niall over this?

We got to school and he sighed, parking next to my car.

"I'm going to get Amy. Stay right here Tess, okay? Don't move."

He smiled weakly at me and wiped a tear away.

"Everything will be okay. I know you guys will get through this."

He got out of the car and I let everything out. I cried and cried and cried. I didn't even think I would have any tears left after crying all last night but I was wrong. The car door opened and I tried to silence my sobs so no one would hear me. I looked over and saw Amy, a worried expression on her face.

"Tessa, what did that bastard do?"

I sobbed and shook my head.

"I-it wasn't him. It's all my f-fault."

She shook her head and rubbed my back.

"Tess, there's no way this way your fault."

"He leaves for a day and I hang out with another guy? I'm a slut and a whore and he deserves someone better."

"That guy happened to be your best friend. It's not like you cheated on Niall."

"But I could've."

"But you didn't. Tessa, this has nothing to do with you. If anything it's him, he doesn't trust you enough to hang out with your friends. It's bullshit."

I shook my head at her.

"I shouldn't have rubbed Brad in Niall's face."

"Tessa you didn't. Stop blaming this on yourself."

"I posted it on instagram. It's practically worse that rubbing it in his face because I didn't tell him about it."

"If Niall thinks you're going to choose him over your best friends you've known way longer than him, he's sadly mistaken."

I looked up at her and sniffed guilt in my eyes. She shifted awkwardly and cleared her throat.

"You would pick us over him Tessa, right?"

I didn't answer and she rolled her eyes.

"We're seriously fucking back to this?! We've known you our whole lives! Niall's known you for like a month."

"He loves me Amy."

"Yeah and so do me and Brad."

She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"You know what; I'm not having this fight right now. I'll see you later Tessa."

She got out of the car and slammed it shut. I scrambled out of the car and into mine, quickly driving out of the school parking lot and back home. I need to find Niall and apologize. We need to work this out. I burst through my front door, frantic. My mom walked up to me and smiled apologetically. She pulled me into a hug and I hurriedly wiped my tears away.

"I'm sorry sweetie."

"Where he is?"

She pulled away from the hug and frowned.

"He stormed out of here with his bags shortly after you. I think he said something about getting a hotel but he seemed pretty upset."

Tears sprung in my eyes and I took a shaky breath trying to keep them in.

"What hotel?"

"I don't know honey."

I frowned and nodded a tear sliding down my face.

A mumbled an I'll be right back and walked back outside to my car. I needed to find Niall.

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