● F O R T Y F O U R ●

Start from the beginning


"Who the fuck is this?"

Yoongi and Jimin were standing infront of YoonSoo who was beside a beautiful lady who seems to be the same age as Yoongi. Yoongi looks at the woman from top to bottom before raising an eyebrow. He had no idea who she is or why she's here.

"Aw Yoongi, have you forgotten?" YoonSoo chuckled "This is Hyerin!"


"Hyerin!" The lady pouted "Song Hyerin! Does that ring a bell?"

"No." Yoongi bluntly replied, "Don't remember anything at all."

"Ah, aigoo." Hyerin shakes her head before she continues. "You gave me the nickname, Rin Rin remember? When we were like.. 8." She chuckled "you know.. the girl who wore those 'harry potter' glasses and those weird pigtails."

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed before finally realizing who she was. Some of the nostalgia came flowing back into him as well. His eyes widened as he let out a small gasp. "ah- wait..wait."

"Woah- RinRin is that really you??"

"you finally remember me now." She chuckled "c'mere." She says holding her arms wide for a hug. Yoongi smiled widely before almost running up to her, hugging her tightly

"My god, I missed you!" He laughs

"I MISSED YOU TOO, YOONYOON!" Hyerin chuckled

"it's been so long!"

"Aha, 14 years to be exact."

"Yeah yeah." Yoongi smirked "you don't wear glasses anymore?"

She shakes her head giggling "Nope. I wear contact lenses instead."

"How was france?"

"France was amazing! Oh, but I missed little Daegu, here. So i came back!"

"Ehem!" Jimin interrupts before smiling at Yoongi

"Ah! By the way, this is Jimin! My boyfriend." Yoongi says rushing over to Jimin's side. "This is Hyerin! She's my childhood friend."

Hyerin smiles before reaching a hand out to Jimin, "It's a pleasure to be of your acquaintance."

"A pleasure as well!" Jimin smiles shaking her hand.

"How long have you two been together?" She asks

"Uh.. I guess we were officially official just a few days ago.." Jimin chuckled nervously.

"Ah.. I see."

After the small conversation, Jimin let Yoongi and Hyerin have some time together the whole day to catch up on life. Yoongi was more than happy that Hyerin was there with him. But he's gotta hand it to her, she's changed a lot ever since. Not that it was unexpecting. It was almost 15 years of course, he would be more surprised if she didn't change at all.

It's not even visible that she was that nerdy, yet lovable girl he knew. She looked like she was a whole different version of his old friend.

It was almost shocking, he barely recognized her.

But he was glad she was still her bubbly self.


"Me and Yoongi would always play this game where we'd try to see who's fall asleep first whenever it was nap time." Hyerin laughs "And guess who always wins?"

"Min Yoongi." Yoongi says raising his hand up before laughing with them.

Jimin smiled as he examined the two, "Ah.. You two were really close before, huh?"

"We were INSEPARABLE." Hyerin mused. "But.. Well, I had to leave for france and I can't get left behind." She shrugs

Jimin frowned, "Aw.. That's sad."

"Mhm." Hyerin nods, but smiled afterwards "But at least I got to see each other again, right Yoongi?" Hyerin chirped clinging onto Yoongi's arm. Jimin felt a lump in his throat and something like a bad feeling in his chest. But he shaked his head and smiled for the two of them

'Chill Jimin, she's just a childhood friend.'

"Yep!" Yoongi answered eating from his spoon. Hyerin continued talking to Jimin about their pasts and what they used to do but in the middle of their conversation, YoonSoo excused he and Yoongi to have a small talk for a while.

"Sure thing uncle!" Hyerin hollered waving at them, "So as I was saying.."


"What's up?" Yoongi asks

"Yoongi, I'm sorry but this can't go on any longer."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Do you not know how much this could literally damage the company's reputation and ratings!" YoonSoo growled.

"What?! What did I do?"

"Jimin, that's what!" He hissed,

"What about him?"

"Yoongi, he can't have a fucking relationship with him!" He spat. Yoongi's eyes widened as anger started boiling up inside of him.

"And why not?"

"The company, Yoongi! You know people these days! The board is homophobic as hell and who knows what they'll do to the company." YoonSoo argued, pacing back and forth."They wont approve of us anymore, Yoongi! We'd be forced to shut it down!"

"What the fuck- so you're saying I should break up with Jimin for the company?"

"Yes Yoongi!" He sighed

Yoongi could not believe him right now, this man in front of him actually had the nerve to tell him and Jimin to break up after all he's done to him? Yoongi's blood boiled even more as he balled his fists so tightly his knuckles turned white. He was at the edge of almost punching him right in the face, buy he kept himself together and shot him a glare.

"..How selfish of a father can you fucking be? Can't you see that this is not just something you can control? I have a life, dad! My life!" He hissed

"And your life will be miserable if you still keep being with that Jimin! You'll go bankrupt and all of this will be gone Yoongi! That thing you call a boyfriend is not worth this Yoongi! I worked so hard for this all and I'm not gonna let you waste it with your petty love life with Jimin!"

"Who are you to talk-"

"YOONGI I HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS." He interrupts pinching the bridge of his nose before speaking once he's calmed down. "Yoongi please.."

"Break up with Jimin, Yoongi. You need to be with Hyerin instead."



Yep. This is the last chapter of this book. :)


This trash is finally gonna come to an end.


Thanks for reading, the princess of potatoes appreciates it. :3 ()*:・゚ ゚・:

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