Chapter 5: Who can I trust?

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Unknown’s P.O.V:

“ANOTHER BLOODY DAMNED CALL!” I shouted at my phone. I read the number and felt my whole body tense up.

I slowly answer the phone with the most confident voice possible. “Hello?”

“So, corrupting angels already are you?” The voice on the side asked politely.

“Yeah, what business is it to you?” I replied nonchalantly.

“You say that, but you know its risky business. My brothers and I aren’t looking at it to kindly.” The voice sneered.

“Okay, okay. Merciful hell. What do you want me to do?” I asked and let out a long sigh.

“You do as you please. You have the right to do so, but don’t think we aren’t watching you.” The voice answered quietly.

“War this is isn’t the time for mumbling. I asked you a question. Please answer!” I said with increasing annoyance.

“I did answer you. I’m not about to let everything go yet.” War’s voice made it apparent he wasn’t fooling around.

I sighed and scratched the back of my head. “Very well War, but just remember I don’t fear you as a lone figure. I fear the four of you as a whole.” I commented and hung up.

“This is going to be even harder knowing they won’t back me up now.” I mumbled to myself as I turned to look out across New York City. “So many humans and they don’t even know what’s coming. They will panic as usual and try to fight back. They will fail as usual, but they will be saved by the angels. Stupid angels. Always gotta try to save the day. IT WILL BE MY DAY!”

Zayn’s P.O.V.

I feel so cold. I just want to wake up from this dream. It was all just a dream wasn’t it? I didn’t get attacked by Miryas and Liam. Liam wasn’t betraying us. It was only a dream and Niall wasn’t right at all. Wait, if it was a dream, why do I feel so cold? Coldness isn’t what an angel feels. They are supposed to be warm from the joy they spread. Joy seems like a funny word. An overwhelming feeling of happiness and excitement, but yet I don’t feel that.

It has to be a dream. I swear it is a dream. The darkness all around me tells me that I’m dreaming, but the feelings are real. I feel the overwhelming, crushing feeling that I will betray Niall. I feel an overwhelming urge to scream from the pain and agony I have. I want to scream at Liam for making me feel this way.

“Zayn.” I hear a voice calling from the blackness.

I snap my head in the direction it called from. I allow my angelic vision to take over. The darkness is still darkness, but I can make out shapes. Moving shapes that blend in with the darkness. I start to understand what fear truly is. I’m flipping out. The shapes move closer to me before I see a tiny light appear behind one. The light gives off enough glow that I see it is Liam.

“Liam!” The name flies out of my mouth before I realize something. His eyes are glowing red. “Liam?” I ask afraid that he’s going to hurt me.

“Hi Zayn.” His voice is soft and weak.

“Liam, why didn’t you save me? Why did you help him? Why did you betray us?” My voice swells with sadness. His eyes stop glowing red and turn back to their gentle brown color. Hurt is evident across his face.

“I wanted to save you so bad Zayn. I truly wanted to save you, but I couldn’t. I— He couldn’t finish the statement because slow tears fell from his eyes. They weren’t normal tears. They were tears like I shed when it happened. They were angelic tears. His tears fell and it felt like the world lost any hope.

Saving the Fallen (One Direction FanFic) (Under Major Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu