Chapter 12: Saving the Fallen!

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Niall’s P.O.V.

“NIALL WATCH OUT!” I hear Gabriel shout from somewhere to the right of me. I was about to dodge whatever was coming at me, but I was too late. In an instant my arms were pulled together and I was sent hurdling toward the ground. I closed my eyes and tried to stop the impact, but I failed that as well. The sound of pavement cracking filled my ears as I kept plummeting into the ground. I stopped suddenly and groaned in pain.

My eyes remained closed while my body started to heal itself. Thank the lord for the archangel training others this would be—Thud, thud, thud. I could feel bolts from someone slam into me and instantly I stopped healing to save my strength. Whack, thud, wham. More bolts were being sent at me and I could feel the pain intensifying. One of the bolts landed true and hit my back with so much force that I screamed in pain. The feeling of bolts landing in the same spot continued and I soon realized that it was Louis hitting me. He is the only one that has that much power behind him. I need to stop this somehow.

I gathered as much strength as I could muster while still being bombarded with bolts. I thought of a shield that would protect me and instantly a shield was around me. It was holding steadily as the bolts continued and shortly after the shield was made, more bolts came. I took this as a sign that others had joined him. I could feel the shield weakening slowly and the energy being drawn from my body. I had to get rid of the shield. I was about to break the shield when it shattered. I could feel the explosion of exhaustion flow in me and I wanted to close my eyes.

I widened my eyes when I noticed it. There were no bolts hitting me. No matter how hard they came, none of them hit me. I saw a tall figure standing over me with another beginning to kneel down. My dad stood over me with the shield and Raphael was kneeling.

“You will feel a slight warmth flow in your body Niall, but I’m restoring your strength and healing you.” Raphael spoke rather quickly before reaching his hand over my head and releasing energy. I felt my energy coming back and sure enough I was waking up. “All healed, but do realize Niall that we aren’t always around. You’re lucky that your dad is a fantastic fighter. It would’ve been too late if he hadn’t had created clones.” Raphael’s voice etched with concern and his eyes had slight tears.

“I know your plan Niall. You may be able to keep it from your father, but remember my gifts. He doesn’t listen to your thoughts because they are yours and private. I, on the other hand, haven’t fully stopped listening to all your thoughts. I’m sorry if that is invading your privacy, but realize how bad your dad will feel when you do this. He’ll also be the proudest father ever, well after the big guy. The seraphim already know of it because they know every thoug--. Well that is beside the point and you don’t need to know their powers. Their powers are kept secret from all, but the head angels. I’m just warning you of this before you go through with it because I know you are. Your actions won’t truly save the fallen.” Raphael finished his speech and stood up.

I was completely dumbfounded by all of what he said and slightly angry because he knew my thoughts.

“Raphael help me here.” My dad called out to him and suddenly Raphael was gone. I stood up after a couple seconds and regained my balance. I went over next to my dad and tapped his shoulder. “Glad to know your safe Niall.” He whispered almost soft enough for me to hear. “I could feel you slipping away.” His words pained me and I held back the tears. You are going to lose me dad. I’m sorry. I can’t tell him that.

“I’m glad you’re safe daddy.” I answered him in my little kid voice. “I love you forever.” My voice cracked at the end. It’s now or never to save them. I’m going to break my dad’s heart, but it is worth it to save them. “I have to go do this.”

Saving the Fallen (One Direction FanFic) (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now