Chapter 7: Questioning and Teenage Archangels.

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Liam’s P.O.V.

-Niall literally just came back from committing suicide and I am just so happy that my best friend and brother didn’t die. Wait; did I just say best friend and brother? Not even a couple hours ago I said I wasn’t his friend. I don’t even think I have the hang of this fallen angel business yet. I hate that this had to happen. I’m just becoming more and more evil every single second and I can feel it. I have to make sure I don’t get caught by Louis or Harry. I can trust Zayn because well… I am not going to think on that. I’m still hurting over that incident with him and Miryas. I think I’ll be rea—-

“What’s wrong with your sword Niall?” Louis shouted breaking my mental processing of how everything was transpiring. He was standing behind me pointing at Niall’s sword on the ground.

“How am I supposed to know?” Niall asked while backing away from his own sword. “It’s never done this before. I think somethi—“He was cut off by a blinding white light appearing which dimmed all of a sudden revealing mine and Zayn’s doom. Michael, Raphael and Gabriel stood before us. We all bowed our heads out of respect for the three most powerful archangels. They literally hummed with power. The purest white auras around them and eyes, each a different color, and each burning bright.

“Greetings young angels.” Gabriel said closing his wings. I felt myself tense up and saw Zayn do the same. He looked at me and then Zayn before giving a slight nod.

“Blessings to you this day.” Raphael said looking at each of us. When he had looked at me and Zayn he repeated the nod like Gabriel.

“A wonderful day it is to live.” Michael greeted us. He swung his gaze over to Niall who looked at him with eyes of wonder.  “Hope you’re not in too much pain Niall. I said it was going to hurt. You’ll recover in a few minutes.” He said with gentle smile.

“A few minutes is good. It hurts so much, but I just have to push through it. I’m sorry for what I did dad.” Niall’s gaze fell to the floor when he finished.

My eyes widened and I heard gasps from all around me. I glanced behind me to see Louis with his mouth wide open. I took a look at the others and saw the same reaction. –Michael, the most POWERFUL ARCHANGEL IS NIALL’S FATHER? What about Bobby? Is he an angel also? I’m so lost. I wonder if any of the other lads are as well. Well judging by their faces I would say so. Great, now I have more cause to worry. There are two fallen angels in the room and three of heaven’s mightiest. I’m doomed. I might lea—- I heard a cough and Louis nudged me. I blinked a couple times and saw all three archangels staring at me with curious faces. I felt a rush of guilt and a rush of anger. All three pairs of eyes looking at me suddenly gleamed with amazing color. Gabriel’s eyes shone an emerald, Raphael’s were sapphire and Michael’s were golden.

Niall coughed suddenly from where he stood. “Dad. Why are you and the others staring at Liam like he is a monster?” His voice was so innocent and pure.

“Uh… We three have something we wish to discuss with Liam.” He replied and everyone could tell he was being honest. “Can we speak with you in private Liam?” He gestured to the door. The four of us walked out of Niall’s room and headed toward the end of the hall.

Right as we stopped walking Raphael waved his hand and a white curtain type wall appeared behind him. “We may speak without any hearing us.” His voice was rather calm and I suddenly felt like teleporting away.

“I wouldn’t do that Liam.” Michael narrowed his eyes at me. “I can read every single thought you have or feel a thought coming before it happens. So don’t try teleporting away. We just wish to speak with you about your thoughts in Niall’s room.” A certain peace came with his voice.

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