Chapter 10: It's Time

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Liam’s P.O.V.

I blinked and saw my dad had teleported us to New York City. I might be Satan’s son, but I felt guilty for everything. I’ve been trained to be evil, grew up destroying things and I have killed so many angels. I’ve done so many evil things and I know I am beyond evil, but I can’t get over betraying the first friend who ever saw past everything. I blame myself for betraying an angel so powerful he doesn’t realize it. I hate the fact that I’m his cousin. He always treated me like a brother even when we first met. I hated the fact that I was and am supposed to kill him. It’s the prophecy part that Harry failed to mention.

I turned around to see Zayn sitting on a chair looking very uncomfortable. He was jumpy I could tell and I don’t know how I could tell this, but he was also ready to snap in full anger. I could tell though that he didn’t want to snap because the anger would corrupt him beyond belief. He sat there, breathing slowly and staring at a wall. I was about to turn away to walk toward one of the rooms we were given before I heard the chair Zayn was in creak. I turned around to see Zayn standing, looking straight at me with sword out. I gulped and backed away.

“This is your fault Liam! You’re fucking fault! You betrayed us because apparently that is who you are. We trusted you Liam. You were our brother and still are, but this Liam isn’t the Liam we know. You were good Liam! You’re nothing now. Just a lowly piece of a filth that we were taught to destroy!” Zayn’s voice was growing and I was about to speak before he was in front of me with the sword to my throat. “Give me one good reason Liam why I shouldn’t gut you right now. You piece of pathetic worthless fallen shit.” Okay I admit those words stung, but he was speaking the truth.

“I-I-I” I stuttered because I was afraid for my life. I don’t know why I am, maybe because Zayn is actually an equal when we fight even though my powers still haven’t fully developed. His sword pressed against my neck more and finally pierced a little skin making me flinch and feel a warm liquid substance flow down my neck and chest. “Zayn back away. I don’t want you to get hurt.” He understood what I said and lowered his sword.

“Liam. Why?” His voice broke and I could see the tears beginning to fill his eyes. His soft hazel eyes filling with tears because he couldn’t do anything. “Niall will hate me now. He’ll hate all of us Li. You basically broke Niall Liam.” His voice cracked and he looked down.

“I said I did it to save you guys. I’m serious when I say that Zayn. I can’t rev—“I was cut off by one of the worst sounding screams I’ve ever heard. Zayn snapped his neck in the direction of the sound and vanished almost instantly. I followed suit and found Zayn staring at something. I looked as well and almost gagged.

Louis and Harry were chained to the wall with demons cutting at their very skin. Harry was completely knocked out and Louis was struggling in his chains. He hissed at the demons, tried to kick at them to no avail and looked like a mess. I cleared my throat and caught the attention of everyone except Harry.

“You can leave now.” I said calmly to the demons.

“We can’t do that. Master said we can’t leave.” One said in a slight raspy voice.

“Who is the master?” I asked the demons glancing between them.

“Miryas. He said not too.” The same one replied and instantly I was ticked off.

“Miryas serves me you pathetic slimes. You will all die now for disobeying me.” The evil side of me took over and the demons all shrieked and tried to flee, only to realize they couldn’t.

“No master. Please spare us.” They all begged and before I thought about it I flicked my wrist and all became red puffs of smoke. I calmed down and looked back around to see them all staring at me including Harry who had woken up. I hate when people stare at me. I realize it comes with the fame and thank goodness we have time off right now or we would be missing. I heard a snap of the chains and instantly was thrown against the wall with someone holding my throat. I blinked and realized it was Louis.

Saving the Fallen (One Direction FanFic) (Under Major Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora